No More Nights, No More Pain

Sorrow Swallows My Sceams

-Brian's POV-

I felt the bed shift a bit and Stella's weight was lifted but I just ignored it. It was silent for a while. Until she screamed and Icky and Pinkly started barking. I bolted up and rushed to her side. I wrapped my arms around her as she cried, staring out the window. Al and Zacky ran in and were by us in a minute.
“What happened?” Zack asked. Stella merely pointed out the window. Now that I looked closer, I saw a figure, I didn't recognize him at all. He was walking towards the window. Zacky was suddenly gone and Stella buried her head into my chest. Al went to go call the cops. I was glad that all I had to do was put on some pants and I fine and the girls had pajamas so that when the cops showed it wouldn't be awkward. I saw a figure, Zacky I presume, tackle the intruder. Whatever the guy was carrying flew out of his hand and landed somewhere that I couldn't see. Zack, who was still in just his boxers, wrestled him down as Al and I comforted the crying girl in my hands. After a few minutes the cops arrived and Al went to let them in. I let Stella go so that I could put some pants on. The minute I finished I was holding Stella again. The cops came in and two of them went outside onto the roof of the garage to arrest the man.
“What happened exactly?” one asked. Stella started her explanation about how she couldn't sleep and was staring out the window when she saw the man, whom I learned was her ex-foster father, get on the roof and make his way towards the window.
“How'd you know who it was?” the other cop asked.
“The lightning flashed. I saw his face.”
“And how did the three of you know?” The first one asked.
“She screamed. Al and I could hear it in our room down the hall” Zacky said as he wrapped his arms around Al's waist.
“I was in the room with her. I think she almost broke my ear drum” I said jokingly. Stella, Zack and Al laughed lightly but the cops were unamused.
“Well we'll take him back into custody. I'm sorry this happened” the second cop said as they both left.
“Are you alright Stella?” Zacky asked as he brought her into his embrace.
“Yeah I'm fine. I know for a fact that you're not leaving me tonight Brian” She said weakly.
“How about all four of us camp out in the living room?” Al asked softly. Zack and Stella looked at each other and got wide smiles.
“I take that as a yes. Zacky you go change, we'll set the living room up” I said as Al and I walked out of the room. We laid some sleeping mats down and covered them with sheets and blankets. Stella brought down pillows for everyone and even her own little blanket that she always slept with. Zack came down with some more blankets and fresh, dry clothes. Every one got comfortable, Stella being between Zacky and I. Al, who hadn't laid down so that she could turn off the lights, would sleep on the other side of Zack. As soon as we were all comfortable, we slowly fell asleep. I waited for Stella to fall asleep before I did so myself. I vaguely remember Stella cuddling up to my side and Ichabod and Pinkly falling asleep by all of our heads.

The next morning, we were woken by Jimmy's laugh and the happy barks of two little dogs. My head was buried into Stella's hair and her body molded perfectly with mine. I groaned and opened my eyes a little before closing them due to the intense light.
“they're so cute” I heard Shelby say softly.
“Why are they sleeping in the living room?” Matt asked someone.
“Long story I'll tell you later” Zacky said tiredly. I went to sit up but Stella's grip on my waist, which I hadn't even felt, tightened.
“You're not leaving” she mumbled. Matt, Jimmy, Zack and I laughed at that.
“Whatever you say babe” I said softly, running my fingers through her hair. I knew she needed the sleep so I just let her be. We all had one hell of a long night.
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