No More Nights, No More Pain

I Found You, Something Told Me To Stay

-Stella's POV-

So Brian and I were about to get married. I was almost four months pregnant. Shayna and Matt had gotten married about a month ago.
I had Al, my maid of honor, doing my make up while my mother did my hair. Shayna, Shelby, CiCi, Rei, Nina, and Lyla were my bride's maids. Brian chose Jimmy as his best man, with Zacky, Matt, Johnny, Matt B, Jason and his brother as his groom's men. I though it was kind of funny that my three friends, who had only met these guys like twice, were going to walk with Matt B, Jason and Brent. Max was our ring bearer and Amelia was our flower girl. I looked into the mirror when Al and my mom told me I was done. I gasped at how they once again made me look amazing.
“So here is something old” my mother said as she placed a necklace around my neck. It was a diamond impended cross.
“And something new” Al said as she placed a homemade charm bracelet on my wrist.
“Something borrowed” Rei said as she put her favorite pair of earrings in my hand.
“And something blue” Nina said as she put blue hair clips in with my mother's work. Yeah they so didn't plan this.
There was a knock on the door before my father walked in.
“You guys ready?” he asked. He smiled once he saw me. “You look gorgeous baby girl!”
“Thank you daddy” I started. “Yeah I believe we are. Are you ready to hand me off?” I asked knowing he didn't want to do it.
“If I must then I will. I guess we shouldn't keep Brian waiting for much longer” he said as she grabbed my hand. Mom kissed him briefly before walking out of the room and I assume to her seat. We all lined up and everyone started walking before me. My father started walking me down the isle as we followed the path of flower petals until we reached Brian. My father took my hand and placed it in Brian's before taking his seat.

We listened to the priest talk for a while before saying our wedding vows. I told Brian how much I loved him and how much I was glad to be by his side supporting him. He told me about how I made him happy and how he couldn't live without me.
“Do you Stella Elizabeth Baker take this man Brian Elwin Haner Jr to be your lawfully wedded husband for better or for worse, in sickness or in health?” the priest asked me finally.
“I do” I said smiling up at the handsome man I was almost allowed to call my husband.
“And do you Brian Elwin Haner Jr take this woman Stella Elizabeth Baker to be your lawfully wedded wife for better or for worse, in sickness or in health?”
“I do” Brian said smiling back at me.
“Then I now pronounce you Husband and wife. You may kiss your bride.” Brian leaned down and kissed me passionately while our families and close friends cheered for us. Now we just had three more couples and all of us would be married. We had our reception, I shoved cake in Brian's face, danced with my brother and father, and we opened our wedding gifts. Before I knew it everyone was watching us as we drove away, to the house that we both owned so we could get our bags and go to our honeymoon. I loved Brian so much.
♠ ♠ ♠
So this is either the last chapter or the second to last. If you want a sequel tell me and this will be the last one. If not then i will write an epilogue and the story will be over.
Stella's Gown
Maid of Honor and Bride's Maids