You'll Never Get It

Chapter 1


I can’t tell you what happened…You’d have to find out yourself. If I try and tell you, I’ll choke. I relive it night after night as it is. I’ll talk about anything but that.
…You want to know why I like Sean…
Because he’s a good guy, I know it. And there’s no point in lying to you. I like him…a lot. Not just in a best friend kind of way. You can guess what I mean.
3rd grade. That’s when it happened. Everything happens at recess…
Some kid was making fun of me because I was crying. He didn’t know why…but he made fun of me anyways. He pushed me to the ground and kicked dirt in my face. Sean saw and ran over there, and yelled at him. He was older, too. He was in 5th grade, and could easily beat us both up, but Sean didn’t care. And the kid punched Sean. I cried for him to stop, but he didn’t. Brandon came over, and, being Brandon, he gave the kid a bloody nose. He knows how to fight. His dad made sure he could defend himself.
I still see Sean as being the one who saved me. He knew he couldn’t win, and he stood up for me anyways. And what sucks is that made me fall in love. I never liked girls anyways.
But…yeah. That’s why I like him. Just don’t tell him.


Get me out of here!
The guard was coming. It’s been two days, do I get out yet? Guess not. I have an hour left. -_- I mean, WHY? Why’s it mat-
“You have a visitor”, he told me, talking like I was some horrible guy. Hmm, wonder who. My mom? Nah. It would be Brandon.
“Hey…when do you get out?”
Why’s he want to know so bad? I feel like that dream was real. The guard came back. What’s he want?
He told me I could go. YES! IN YOUR FACES!!! I raced out and jumped in Brandon’s car. “Now!” I told him. I heard him laugh.
“Okay…haha.” He was kind of quiet, so I asked him, “Did you have a weird dream last night?”
“Umm…yeah, actually…why?”
“Because I had a dream you were in love with me.” I stuck out my tongue. Why’d he stop the car…?
Oh my god, what’s he doing…?
“I am.” He’s about to kiss me. YES! Final- I kissed him back.
“I love you, too…” I can’t stop smiling. He drove us to his house.
“Do you want to move in with me?” He asked.
“Umm…Sure.” That was so random! It sure would be better than living with Mom and Dad.
We got out, and I realized it was only 9, and I was exhausted. I laid on his couch and closed my eyes.
“Tired?” he asked me.
“Exhausted,” I answered drowsily. I don’t know how, but he picked me up and carried me to his room. He set me down on the bed and wrapped me in the blankets. I smiled as he crawled in next to me.
“Good night” were the last words I heard before he wrapped his arms around me and I fell asleep.
“G’night…” I mumbled.


“Hey Karter, let’s pick everyone up and go to the mall!”
“Sounds like fun. Matt’s at Brandon’s.”
“We’ll start there.”
I headed to Brandon’s house and I walked in quietly. I wanted to go scare them. I walked into Brandon’s room and gasped.
Matt was cuddled up to Brandon! I wondered if they just ended up like that, but I found out right after. Brandon kissed Matt…KISSED him!
“Since when were you guys gay?!?” I asked loudly. Karter ran in.
“What? Who’s gay?” He looked at them.
Brandon glared. “Since yesterday. Don’t you dare say anything.”
Alex laughed. “Okay, dude, whatever. Want to go to the mall?”
Matt woke up to that. “Give us an hour.”
And we left and gave them their hour. We picked up Zeke and headed to Sean’s, then we waited there for an hour.
We got back to Brandon’s. They were ready and got in the van. I drive a for precisely this reason.
We have like assigned seats in my van. I always drive, and Karter gets shotgun. Behind us, Brandon and Matt always sit. Zeke and Sean always get the back. This will be fun.
“Guess who came out of the closet?” I said, making everyone go silent. “Matt and Brandon!”
The look on Zeke’s face was priceless. That’s when it started.


“You guys are gay? Oh my god! So, who told who?”
“Shut up, Zeke.” Brandon was going to get mad at me so quick.
“I never thought you’d be gay! NEVER. So how long did you like him anyways? Hmm? Been hiding in the closet? ^-^
“Oh gosh, what’ve I done…”Alex mumbled to himself. I laughed.
“ZEKE SHUT UP! You know what? I dare you to kiss Sean.”
I stared at him. “What?” He knows I always do dares.
“You heard me! I DARE you. Since you’ve never turned down a dare, I guess you have to do it.” He smirked at me and Sean.


No, you can’t be serious! He’ll do it, I know he will!
“Fine, I will do it then!”
Everyone was staring at us. Alex stopped the car. I stared at Zeke, hoping he would just not do a dare for once. But there was no chance of that.
He kissed my cheek. I sighed. Thank god.
“What kind of a kiss was that? That doesn’t count. Kiss him like this…” He kissed Matt passionately.
I was about to kill someone. Don’t make him do that!


This isn’t going to go well.
“Fine.” I said annoyed. I grasped Sean’s collar to his T-shirt and kissed him passionately. “There.” I let go, but saw the look in his eyes…”You okay? You look dazed…”
“What…?” His lips were parted slightly. I didn’t think and kissed him again. He snapped out of it and pushed me off. “What the hell, Zeke?” Everyone was staring at me. Brandon smiled.
“I knew that’d work.”
“S-sorry…” I looked out the window and covered my mouth, not facing any of them. I was sure my face was red.


Why’s he blushing? What the heck, what’s going on? He can’t be blushing, he can’t be! Is he gay, too?
Brandon smirked. “Zeke likes Sean.”
Zeke put up his hood and pulled it over his face. “Shut up, Brandon!”
I just stared at him. “Just drive!” he screamed. Alex drove us into the parking lot to the mall. There was some guy staring at us. He walked toward the van and kissed the guy next to him, smiling. I was not ready for today.
“I’m Evan, this is Nick…” he said as we got out. We all said hi.
“So, you guys are gay?” He pointed to Brandon and Matt. “Since yesterday?”
They answered yeah. We all stared at him.
“How’d you know that?” Brandon asked, kind of freaking out.
“Believe it or not, I read minds.”
“Yeah right,” I scoffed.
“Don’t believe me? I know everything that just happened since you can’t stop thinking about it.” He smirked. Zeke glanced at me.
“That kid really likes you by the way.” He walked off.
“You’re such a weirdo! I still don’t believe you!”
“You live on 468 Millard Avenue. Cell phone number is 228-2487.” He was smirking. “Right?” He walked away and left us gawking after them.
Wait…Zeke really likes me? Not good. What’d you do, Brandon? Had to dare him, didn’t you?! AUGH.


“Hey Sean…can I stay over?”
“Uhh…sure…” he sounded unsure. This sucks. He’s my best friend…and now he thinks I’m a freak. WONDERFUL.
I got to his house and he asked what I wanted to do…”Movie?” I smiled at him.
“Sure…” I jumped on the couch.
“Got a good one?”
“Behind the Wall?” he shrugged.
Scary. Oh yay. I laughed. “Okay…” I’d deal with it. He sat by me, on the other end of the couch. I hate this! I…I love him too much. I scooted over by him and leaned over him to shut off the lamp. He didn’t move.
When the movie started, I stayed close to him. I grabbed his arm and held on tightly. I hate scary movies…


I had to text him. I had to do it. I texted Zeke, and this is what I said;
This is a DARE. Do it, don’t ruin the chain!
Kiss the next non-relative that says your name.
You have to do it!
Don’t be a wuss.
Forward this to everyone!
♠ ♠ ♠
Ok. Nick and Evan are two ppl I made up. Don't ask, you'll see more of them some time. Probably not in this story, though. :P