Status: active

Mattress Love

chapter 1: introduction

I opened my eyes, the sun that shone into the room through an opening in the curtains intensified the pounding in my head. I already knew it was due to my oh so famous drinking behaviour last night. But I still couldn’t help myself by asking the question out loud, “What the hell did I do last night…” And I didn’t really expect an answer. But I assume that’s what you get when you go on and play stupid.
“What we always do…” I looked to the side, even the small movement of turning my head gave me pain. I found him lying on his back, an arm draped over his eyes and the sheets clinging on his lower body.
I mentally kicked myself, I really should stop getting him in my bed… okay scratch that, I should stop getting myself in his bed.

I moved out of the bed, trying to find my clothes and unconsciously moved the sheets. I looked over and smiled secretly. Even with the age of 35 the man still had an arousing body, one that I had enjoyed many times before… and apparently last night too.

I changed into my clothes, made sure I got my keys and walked out of his apartment, not bothering to say goodbye. Even though Jussi and I had split up almost a year ago we had these regular one nighters. And frankly I couldn’t seem to find a reason to stop that, we both had our own lives, he coulddate shag whoever he wanted as could I And when the need was high or when drunken minds meet we could always turn to each other without any problems afterwards or as everyone else would say ‘no strings attached’.

When I was walking to my apartment, which actually was just one floor down my cell rang.
“Oh, you’re already up.” The heavy suede voice said in surprise. “I could say the same you know.” I replied smirking. Jyrki was, much like Jussi and myself a nighthawk and early mornings weren’t exactly a daily routine.
“Is Jussi there?” The fact that Jussi and I still spend time in each others apartments wasn’t exactly a secret for the guys, what they didn’t know is what exactly we did there… everybody thought it was obvious for us two to go home together for the simple reason that we lived in the same building. And if there were any doubts of us dating or not one of us would eventually show up with some one else, whether intentionally or not.
“I just left. Isn’t he picking up his phone?”
“Do you need to ask?” I sighed as I turned on my heel, back to Jussi’s apartment and banged loudly on the door. In the mean time making small talk with Jyrki, as far as I remember I wasn’t the only one who got very friendly with Jack.

After standing there, banging on the door for 3 minutes, Jussi opened up and he wasn’t exactly happy although he got a very sly smirk on his face when he saw me standing there.
“Back for more?”
“Your singer is on line one. Try to pick up next time? You can bring it down when you’re ready.” I said sternly to Jussi who was finding it very normal to be standing at the door in only his leather pants, only half zipped up showing he was indeed still commando, and I just gave him the phone and left, not risking to stay much longer because I knew that it would lead to the other thing.

The first thing I did when I got into my own apartment was taking a shower. Last night was another after party of the concert the Eyes played. Being a loyal friend and fan I went to as much concerts as I could and of course all the after parties. It never really did trouble my career after all I work at the radio station YLE Radio Finland with my own programme Question! A request programme from 3 to 5. It earned enough and there were rumours about expanding my responsibilities at the station. Which kind of sounds nice.

When I got out it was already 2 pm and reminding me it was half an hour drive to the station I quickly pulled on the clothes that first touched my hand when I shoved it in my closet which appeared to be a torn jeans and a loose sweater that slipped off my left shoulder most of the time. Quickly grabbing an apple and my car keys from the counter I sped off to my car wanting to be there in time.


5:30 pm. I was glad to be home because think all you want but when you spend a night with Jussi you don’t get to sleep. At least not much.
I unlocked the door to my apartment and it wasn’t even closed for 5 seconds when someone knocked on it.
I hung up my jacket and opened it. Jussi with my phone in one hand and a green bra dangling from his finger.
“You forgot these.” He said smirking and I rolled my eyes taking my phone out of his hands.
“What don’t want this?” he asked teasingly dangling the bra in my face.
“It’s not mine Jussi.” I said and Jussi looked at it and shrugged, stuffing it in his pocket while I checked my voicemail. That’s what you get when you don’t have it with you for one day, you miss all the important calls.

Jussi had seated himself on my couch and I grabbed two beers out of the fridge.
“Ville called.” He said.
“Aw is your lover stopping by?” I asked smirking and Jussi rolled his clear eyes. There had once been a rumour about him and Ville being romantically involved. Maybe when they were drunk there could be an occasional wrong touching but that was only for fun. Both are as straight as a geometric line… although leave Ville with a few bottles of Jack, Jim and pure vodka and that line might get crooked.

“Actually they’re playing tonight. You’re coming right?”
“Of course.” I said smiling and looked at Jussi. I still found it strange when he didn’t spike his hair but that’s because I grew so accustomed to it a few years back. Jussi’s eyes suddenly slid to my bare shoulder, I wasn’t wearing a bra and I think it was very much to his liking.
Rolling my eyes I got up and pushed the sweater back up. “Have you eaten yet?”
“Okay then call Jyrki, I’ll make dinner.”


After dinner Jyrki, Jussi and I left for the concert, it started round 8 and to avoid any hectic situation we made sure to get there early. Although back stagepasses is one of the greatest thing they invented I tend to kind of miss the atmosphere of a real concert when you stand along in the crowd, dodging limbs which are still attached, plastic cups, underwear, and just sing the words back to the band along with everybody else who is there for the sole purpose of enjoying good music from there beloved band.
But I must admit flashing your backstage passes at the guards when the kids are watching and hearing them complain when you’re allowed to go backstage does have a nice ring to it.

“Lyyli!” I smiled when Ville called out to me as if he hadn’t heard from me in years and pecked me on the cheek to greet me.
“I didn’t know you would come.” He said still smiling while the others met up with… well the others.
“I got an invite. Plus it’s been too long since I’ve seen you guys play and I just love to hear you sing Sleepwalking past hope live.”
“Yes well we should be heading out soon. Don’t forget to come to the afterparty!”

After I finished greeting the other HIM members they all left to perform and Jussi, Jyrki and me just enjoyed it along with the liquor cabinet.
The afterparty was just as great as the concert and I think the alcohol had already risen to my head because I really can’t believe I had accepted Ville’s challenge to who could drink the most shots.
After I had gracefully and loudly declared to the rest of the bar that Ville had beaten me at a game of shots I pardoned myself to visit the ladiesroom. With a lot of stumbling I managed to get there, pee without falling of the toilet and get back out. But once out a smooth voice which I recognised out of a thousand leaned into my ear, his breath hot on my neck, and whispered 4 very beautiful words:

“Your place or mine?”
♠ ♠ ♠
I started writing this story somewhere in 2007. I posted it on Quizilla under the username mrsSuicide. and on CrashingHigh, also with the username mrsSuicide.