Status: active

Mattress Love

Of hang overs and dealbreakers

I sat down at a table in a nice diner-like place where I was supposed to meet my brother. It took me a few Advil’s before I could finally leave the confines of my home to meet him at the early hour of 10 am.

I took off my sunglasses, shutting my eyes the instant the brighter light met them. I rubbed my head, hoping it would lessen the headache but of course when you like to drink you’ve got to pay the price as well.

“Hey sis.” I heard a male voice say and a kiss was planted on my cheek, “holy crap you look like hell.” He laughed.
“Morning to you too Kivi.” I commented dryly and waved for the waitress.

“Sometimes I still think you think you’re 18 … staying up late, going on a drinking binge and walk in at 7 am to take some advils and go to work.”
“I just live life while I’m young. And don’t you dare do the same or mom will have my ass for influencing you.” Yes indeed Kivi was my younger brother. He just turned 18 and was in his senior year. I know there’s a 8 year gap between us but that’s because Kivi is my youngest brother, Hannu is 4 years younger than me, thus 4 years older than Kivi. I just seemed to have a better bond with Kivi than Hannu. Probably because I still act like a teenager myself while Hannu joined my uncle at the bank and got all wise and mature on our asses.

“No fair.” he said and crossed his arms in front of his chest, reminding me so much of when he just started kindergarten.
“ So what have you been up to?”

Kivi and I had this deal made where we would meet once every two weeks depending on our schedules, just to keep in touch considering I rarely had the time to visit my parents because 1. the guys always kept me busy and 2. because the guys always kept me busy.

“not much actually. Jaana and I broke up and…” Kivi was right in the middle of telling me about the break up with his girlfriend from 2 years when Lost Boys sounded from out my pocket. I moved my body so I could reach into the front pocket of my jeans. I mouthed a sorry and picked up.
“where are you?” I recognised the voice of my boss immediately, he sounded rushed and I glanced at the clock.
“It’s only 11 am. I don’t have to be in ‘till one.”
“Yes well you need to fill in for Ismo. He just called in sick and you’re to only one who… I’ll pay you extra you know that but you’re the only one I can still put to work cause you’ve got the least hours….”

I looked at Kivi who was absentmindedly playing with the paper wrap of the sugar cube he had carefully slipped in his coffee and then at the clock.
“I’ll try but if I can’t make it you’ll just have to ring up Seppo.”
“kiittää te!!” he yelled and hung up. I groaned and slightly threw my phone on the table. Kivi looking at me.
“What is it?”
“Ismo’s stuck with his head down the toilet and my boss wants me to replace him. The fact that there are dozens of other competent people running around in the place doesn’t even occur to him; No he has to cut back on my free time. The one with the least hours, pssh my ass. I work 4 times a week, that’s 8 hours + all the extra work for other shows and promo stunts. Ailli has 6 hours. Want to bet she said she was sick but just didn’t want to come…”
Kivi watched in amusement it seemed as I kept on rattling about how my boss just had to pick me instead of someone else while I was finally able to see my baby brother. Kivi protested at the baby though.
“What time would you be back?”
“5. I’m afraid… hey would you like to come to the station? To see your big sister in action?” I said smiling and winking at him.
Kivi scrunched up his nose, “ I can imagine a dozen things when you say that that I really don’t want to know and what am I? 10?”
I squinted my eyes, almost daring him to say that squinting can give you wrinkles but he just laughed.
“It’s so nice to get you angered.” He made me chuckle, it’s foolish that I, the big sister, can get so easily angered by my baby brother.
I stood up and placed some euros on the table, quickly pulling on my leather jacket.
“Coming or not? It’s not such a far drive anymore but I have nothing worked out so I need to get there in time.”
“so you’re saying that I can not only hear but also watch my sister get humiliated on national radio? Hell yes I’m coming.” He said suddenly very excited.
I rolled my eyes and picked up my phone- can’t exactly leave it there, waiting for it to be taken.

Of course when I started the car automatically the new cd of the Eyes began to play and Kivi immediately turned it off.
“Kivi what the hell?”
“I don’t care whether or not it’s good music, Jussi’s an ass and I can’t believe you still support them.”
“Kivi they’re my friends…”
“He dumped you out of the blue… yet you keep on defending him.”
“He didn’t dump me Kivi. We were both wrong. Now can we please stop talking about that… it’s old news” I said trying to change to subject.
Kivi again acted like a 9 year old and slouched down in the passenger seat, glaring at my window.

Kivi never did agree on Jussi especially not when we broke up and he still holds a grudge against him. Even if I told him he shouldn’t and if he ever found out about jussi and my situation he would totally freak.

“Welcome to YLE” I said when I parked the car and got out. Kivi had finally decided to give up his moping thank god as we entered the building. A lot of people said hi, Henrik the security guy, Anja my boss’ receptionist who was on her coffee break. I flashed my badge at them and told Kivi to wait with Anja while I arranged a visitors pass with Henrik.

“Aren’t you a little young…” Anja said and Kivi scrunched his nose, “She’s my sister …” Anja instantly changed colours and of course at that moment I showed up again thinking the wrong thing.
“Kivi what did you say? Sorry Anja. Come along.” At that moment I felt more like a mother than anything else.

“Lyyli you made it!” My boss yelled and jumped out of his chair to hug me. Mumbling things like lifesaver into my ear.
“Kivi this is my boss Niko, Niko this is my baby brother.”
“can’t you stop with the baby… I’m 18” he groaned and I chuckled, it’s a family trade I’m sure, to annoy the crap out of each other in as many ways possible.

“Did Ismo leave a programme script?”
“yes yes, here.” I quickly scanned the paper, this was going to take a lot of improvising.

“Your sister isn’t bad now is she?” Niko said to Kivi as I was hosting the show and it was going pretty well if you know I only had half an hour of preparation.

“yeah she is, and here I thought I could have a good laugh.”
There was a knock on the door and Niko went to open it revealing none other than HIM’s leadsinger Ville Valo.
“mr. Valo.”
“Hi Niko… Sorry to burst in here but I heard her on the radio and I was in the neighbourhood.”
“Yes Ismo got sick and we needed a stand in. Plus this helps a lot in our future plans.”

Kivi watched as the two men were talking about me, his big sister. He had met Ville once or twice, he was a major fan of HIM. So his birthday presents were always easy to pick.

I got off air as I put on a record of the smashing pumpkins and I smiled at the window, a smile which broadened upon seeing Ville. He signalled if he could come in and I nodded, standing up to greet him.
“What are you doing here?” I asked smiling after I pecked him on the cheek and he grinned.
“I can ask you the same. Behind the mic before your hours. Are you chasing a promotion.”
I grinned, “not at all. Oh crap I need to get on again. Stay? It would make the show easier.”
“But of course love” he said and put on a headphone as he took place behind the mic.

“You just listened to Tonight, tonight by the Smashing Pumpkins and you will never guess who just entered the studio, yes ladies and gentleman your very own Finnish Rock God Ville Valo. Hi Ville.”
“So what brings you here?”
“Of course I just wanted to come and say hi. And let you know that HIM got nominated for best album in the upcoming YLE award show.”
My eyes popped wide open, “ Oh my god that’s unbelievable!” I wanted to jump up and hug him but with the headphones on and in the middle of a live show I can’t really do that. So with all my might I contained myself and smiled broadly at him. “People I know as part of the YLE crew I have to be Switzerland –neutral people- but I would definitely vote for them! Not that they need it ‘cause they’ll win the award anyway.”
“no we won’t.”
I looked at Ville, “Of course you will.”
“Want to bet?” he said, looking at me daringly which kind of made me want to agree to it.
“Sure. The stakes please?”
“If we don’t win, you’ll have to get a tattoo.” Ville said and I kind of froze. Why, you might ask, because very simply I absolutelydislike hate needles.
But then again, what are the odds that they won’t win?

“You’re on, but if I win there’s going to be humiliation…”
“Deal.” He said very smugly and at that moment I kind of got a bad vibe. And my gut was right because later on I found out he had to compete with Nightwish and Apocalyptica… o boy, this could get ugly
♠ ♠ ♠
the second chapter. Once again, this story is truly mine, but can be found on quizilla under the name of mrsSuicide