Status: active

Mattress Love

Blame it on the beer

What she was craving for was attention. Lots and lots of attention. And so far she was getting it, but that’s not exactly strange when you’re walking around with the same top you’ve just done the wet t-shirt contest in. A white drenched one. Bra-less. And act like a naïve girl saying things in a honey drenched voice such as “oh my, you can see through, oh my…” and then smiling sheepishly, offering herself as a one night stand and of course many a man would take her up on thatoh so subtle offer, but she didn’t want just any man. She wanted one man only and by the looks of it she got him.

I rolled my eyes as I saw how she shamelessly flirted with Jussi who was, just like her, an attention whore and of course loved the given attention.
I ordered another beer, not even wanting to think that this could be me just feeling jealous. But that’s just ridiculous because jussi and I share nothing more than a bed once in a while.

“And what are you doing here by your lonesome?” I looked up and found Hannu next to me. Hannu is one of the younger bartenders at our regular bar. He always works on Tuesday’s and Thursday’s and of course the weekend shifts.
I smiled, “I’m letting the boys have some fun.” I said an nodded my head behind me.

“That’s Anja. She’s had a crush on Jussi for ages.”
“You know her?”
“She’s my next door neighbour.” He said and handed me another beer without me even asking for one.
“Didn’t you once say that she was only… 17”
He smiled, for some reason pleased that I remembered that, or just that I was completely wrong, “That was two years ago.” Oh… I knew it was the last one.
“Wait so she’s… 19?” Hannu laughed even more and I knew the beer was getting to me because I started to get slow.

“Well that will make Jussi happy. He can finally have a virgin again.” I said laughing and Hannu looked at me oddly but smiled along.

We talked for a long time and he kept buying- or more so giving me- beers which he would later pull off his pay check and after the 5th beer that he gave me, that talking turned into flirting.
I was so drunk I didn’t even notice how his eyes read Love instead of Lust, while mine read Lust. And before I knew it, his shift was over and I stumbled over to the guys to get my stuff.

I blew them a big drunken air kiss, to which they all laughed, and left with Hannu to my place. Not even noticing how uninterested Jussi suddenly was in what the 19 year old virgin was saying or how he was watching Hannu’s hand slip to the small of my back with the eyes of a hawk or how from that moment on ,the 19 year old virgin lost her chance of sleeping with Jussi 69.

When I woke up my eyes hurt when I opened them, but all in all it wasn’t bad, I didn’t have a hangover, god knows that I can stand more than that before I have to reach for an advil. I wanted to get up but wasn’t allowed to. An arm was securely wrapped around my waist. At that point I knew something wasn’t right, especially not when I suddenly felt two lips leave a butterfly trail on my shoulders. I struggled and jumped up. Next to me was Hannu, smiling up at me.

“Morning” he whispered softly and took a hold of my arm, rubbing it gently. I tore it out of his grip so quickly as if his touch was fire and burned me.

He sat up, “Lyyli?” he asked worried and I just couldn’t look at him. Hannu was a nice guy, I would never treat him as a one night stand yet I did… oh god…He had a thing for me… two weeks ago Jyrki was joking about how he had a thing for me… and now I slept with him… Stupid Stupid STUPID

“Hannu… Don’t hate me.” I whispered and he rose his brow, utterly confused.
“Why would I?” he tried to touch me again, can’t the guy keep his paws to himself just for 5 lousy seconds?

“You’re a good guy but we… this… shouldn’t have happened. Now I’m going to take a shower… give you some time… but when I get out I need you gone.”

I pulled the sheets around me and walked to the bedroom, not sparing Hannu a second glance.

Hannu was looking at my retrieving back before he got up and pulled on his clothes. He stormed to the door and turned the knob, slightly opening it before yelling so I could clearly hear it “You’re a whore Lyyli.”

and the truth is that this time I agreed with him 100%


I stood in front of Jussi’s door. For some reason I hesitated to knock. Jussi and I slept around a lot, and while he changed from woman like he changed from underwear – even if he likes commando better at times- I was a little bit less of a whore. I admit that I have a sex addiction but that doesn’t mean I sleep with everyone. I myself would find that sentence hard to believe, especially after this morning but still I’m not a real whore.
I promised myself that I would act casual, not letting the Hannu thing bothering me because really I did him a favour right? He had sex with anolder mature woman and I thaught him that life, love and lust can sometimes suck.

he opened up, his greyish blue eyes focusing immediately on me.
“Did you chase him away already?” he asked smirking and I smiled, even though I still felt guilty, for some reason I could act as if I didn’t at the moment. For some reason, Jussi made me feel less bad about this, probably because I knew he had done it a lot more than me and could still walk around with a clear conscience .

“I hate lingering dogs.” I said to him, and he chuckled at my reference to men as dogs.
“So how did it end up with you and the Blonde? I heard you were going to be her first?”
“She bored me…”He said curtly and grabbed a beer out of the fridge, offering me one and I gladly accepted it. The fact that most of my problems started with the intake of alcohol didn’t affect my drinking habits one bit.
“Aw poor you,” I said smiling and pinched his cheek, “but don’t worry tonight’s another chance. You’ll get laid eventually.” He slapped my hand away and rubbed his cheek, looking very serious but the amusement in his eyes didn’t escape me.
It made me laugh and Jussi put his beer down.

“Are you mocking me?”
“I wouldn’t dare…” I said trying to hold back laughter but Jussi noticed – not that it was hard, I pretty much knew for a fact that my face looked messed up.
“Sure…” he said and he lunged at me, trying to tickle me and making me spill the contents of the open beer bottle all over me. I shrieked at the cold.

“Ah Jussi now I’m all sticky!” I groaned looking at my now yellow top instead of my once white one. He forced me to look at him when I felt his hand slip underneath said top.

And again his greyish blue eyes looked at me with amusement.
“I know a way to get that off…”
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Hopefully you guys are liking this ^^