Status: active

Mattress Love

sweet home, sweet home

"You just heard Negative with In my heaven, personally one of my favourite songs. They have only recently introduced their new dvd in Ideapark and... well let's just say a certain someone got their hands on a pre-order." I grinned childishly and looked at Lon , whose purpose was reading the news and screening my calls before they got on the air, and he smiled back at me and signalled that I had a call on line 3
"Well I have someone on hold here who has sent something very interesting to me, Yona? Hi."
"Hi Lyyli."
"Why don't you tell them what you sent?"
"Well I listen to your programme all the time and... I heard about your bet with Ville Valo. And I'm kind of in the middle of designer ed. And I designed a tattoo."
"Well I saw it and I mean wow... it's really nice. Now because the tattoo will be a secret until it is placed... or if Ville loses it won't. So until the day after, no one is going to see any design. But every design sent to me will of course be placed on the site. Yona I wish you all the luck with your designer's ed. now which song would you like to hear?"
"I'd like to hear Snow Patrol with Chasing cars."
"Okay Yona, coming right up, bye..."

More and more I was starting to doubt at my bet with Ville. Too many of my audience had already sent in designs that could be covering my body... I started too doubt at my confidence in HIM's victory.
Lon signalled another incoming call and I answered it.
"YLE radio, you're on the air."
"Lyyli Marylin Saari! I better not find anything inked on your skin when I come visit you."
My eyes went wide when I heard that voice. "Mom?" I looked at Lon who was having the biggest laugh across from me and I made a mental note to kill him later.
"Ehm, we'll be right back..." I mumbled in the microphone, putting on the commercials and then continued the conversation, after sending Lon a dead glare.
"Mom? What are you calling me for? I'm working!" I hissed.
"How else am I supposed to be able to talk to you? You don't come to visit your own parents but you talk to Kivi and god knows that boy never tells us anything, even let him meet your friends, your famous friends... who you dumped your family for!"
"Mom, for Christ sake... I didn't... I've been busy with work. And Im 26 ... Look," I said when I caught Lon signalling that I had to go on again, "I'll call you tonight. I have to get back to work."
"No! You're coming over tonight and that's it." And before I could even tell her no, she hung up and I was left baffled.
I was going to kill Lon

I looked at the road from out my car, enjoying the view on the way to my parents' house. I always thought we lived in a beautiful place, just outside of Helsinki. So after that very angry phone call I got from my mother I kind of had to go visit again. It really has been a long time and I'm very surprised my parents haven't come to wring my neck, after all I wasn't there on new years eve, or on Christmas... and it's already the beginning of February... oh yeah, I'm dead when I set foot in that house.
Sighing I parked my car, checking myself in the rear-view mirror once more before I got out of the car and walked to the door. I knew I'd get a lecture from mom, but that would last only until my dad would tell her to shut up and be glad I actually came to visit, Hannu was only to be seen at holidays, sure I skipped them last year but at least I come whenever I have the time... it simply slipped my mind this time.
When the door opened I found Kivi standing there with a very sour face.
"What crawled up your ass and died?" He just shrugged, "Rapport card," and retreated to the living room again. I shook my head and closed the door behind me.
The hallway was filled with family pictures on a beige painted wall. All of my childhood memories... I passed them and hung away my coat. I was so used of them hanging there, knowing what was on them, that I never did look at them anymore.
"Hi mom, dad." I said to them and they looked up and I know I'm 26 but damn I was shaking like a leaf when I pictured their reaction. I think that's the problem of being someone's child. When the child thinks or in my case knows he let his parents down they exaggerate on what their reaction can be. So when I thought I was going to get a lecture and my dad would just be silent before he would angrily tell his wife to 'shut it' I was exaggerating... a lot.

"Ah, so she lives after all." Said mom. "Yeah, it's about time you crawled back out of Helsinki." Said dad and they continued to watch tv.
See... exaggerated.
"So how are things sweety." Dad asked me and patted the empty space next to him. He still treated me as his 'little girl'... I guess all dads do that when they only have one daughter.
"Good. You know there's an upcoming award show hosted by YLE tv and radio... and I might get to hand out an award."
"So you'll be on tv." Mom said, suddenly interested in what I had to say. I smiled, now she could finally brag about her daughter to her friends again.

"It's not certain yet, but I'll let you know as soon as I know more." I said and she smiled. Sprang up suddenly and pulled me up. Confusing me.
"Have you eaten anything since I've last seen you? You look like a walking skeleton."
The typical worries of a mother upon seeing her children, afraid they haven't eaten anything now that they didn't have mother's kitchen to feast upon.
"Mom, I'm fine. I eat 3 times a day and my meals always have vegetables and meat with them." I said and she crossed her arms in front of her and made a face which clearly showed she wasn't amused, dad was though, I heard him chuckle. "It may have been cute when you were younger missy... but it just isn't now." My mom said and I chuckled and hugged her. She was no longer angry with me for ditching the holidays.
"Have you eaten yet?" mom asked and I shook my head. I did come straight from work..."Well come with me and I'll fix you something." She said jolly and pulled me with her to the kitchen.
I saw how she took out several pots and pans and pulled a bowl from the fridge, leftovers of today's meal.

"So, tell me... any new boys in your life?" she started and I rolled my eyes yet couldn't help but laugh.
"Not really..."
She turned around and looked at me, "You're joking? Sweety when I was your age I had to beat them off with a stick."
"I thought when you were my age you met dad?"
"Who do you think I had to hit the most? Your father was very persistent and persuasive." She giggled and I smiled. It was really funny to hear my mom giggle.
"Well times change mom, and guys no longer chase a girl until she gives up. If the first one doesn't want to there are others more willingly." I said and sighed, knowing I had just started up something that I better had left to rest.
"Oh don't give me that times change crap. There were a lot of guys in my days who were just the same. You just have to put some effort in attracting the right ones. Like you attracted Jussi. He was a good guy, shame you let him go." Told ya... I sighed and rubbed my temples.
"We grew apart. Nothing to do about it."
"But that doesn't keep you from sharing a bed once in a while..." I groaned.

At this point I regret ever telling my mom about my arrangement with Jussi. And I do know you normally don't talk about your sex life with your parents but mom has always been very understanding. She wasn't one for monogamy either before she met my dad. So she wasn't as conservative as most parents are when it came to her children's sex life. She was the kind of mom who hand out condoms before we went out. A little strange and embarrassing when she also tries to give you friends some but it really is a good initiative. I mean who doesn't have sex, it's just easier for her to sleep when she knows we did it safely. That's how this family works. We're very open about everything.
"Lately I wish we didn't."
"How come?"
"It's happening too often. I mean sure once in a while it's great to know I can still go to him for that... but these days, it's like we're a couple again..."
"Too often? Sweety there's nothing like too often." Mom said, wiggling her brows making me throw up a little in my mouth.

"Mom... I appreciate it that I can talk to you about all this, but I really don't have to know that about you and dad."
"You're such a prude." Mom said and started cooking again. I just sat there, a bit perplexed because my 48 year old mother just called me a prude.
"I'm not a prude!"

"Why are you a prude?" Kivi asked walking in, "Because I don't want to know mom and dad still have sex every day."
Kivi's face went pale and he was frozen on the spot, scarred for life by that fact and I couldn't help but laugh right in his face. Oh god he looked funny.
"Lyyli!" mom hissed and I just kept on laughing, "Don't worry Kivi," I said between laughs, "As long as you don't catch them right on the spot you'll be alright." I think that scared him even more because he was rapidly out of the kitchen and hearing that door slam I was pretty sure I wasn't going to see him anytime soon.
"Thanks a lot Lyyli." Mom groaned and I just kept on laughing.
Don't you just love family visits ?