Status: active

Mattress Love

When bored, do not turn to Jussi

I was bored. I had a day off, I was lounging on my couch, a beer in one hand and a bowl of popcorn resting on my abdomen while I was flicking through the channels on my tv finding... nothing remotely interesting. Did I mention I was bored like hell? My friends had fulltime 9 to 5 jobs, and even though I was certain about the spare time my famous friends were having, I never did like to call them up just because I had a problem finding my entertainment. I couldn't even turn to Jussi now that I wanted to keep my distance. I never really knew that it could be so difficult to keep my distance when the man lives above me.

I groaned at the situation between me and Jussi... god when did sex get complicated.... scratch that, even more complicated. We couldn't deal as a couple but we loved the sex so there you have it, we kept the sex. But lately... because we have sex, we have feelings and because we have feelings, we're fucked... on different levels.
So now I want to keep distance, let Jussi know, have both of us know that this just isn't possible.
But without Jussi, my days are drained from entertainment.

So against my better judgement I got up from my couch and pulled on the first hoodie I found because you simply can't expect me to walk up a floor in only a bra and my ripped up jeans. It would be strange to see Jussi after avoiding him for a week... Okay not a full week, more like 5 days.
But I stepped out of my apartment anyway, and mounted the stairs and knocked on his door.
I heard noises, but he didn't come to open it. "Jussi it's me!" I yelled and I heard stumbling at the other side. So I chuckled, thinking that the man had fallen asleep and I opened the door, god knows he never locks it anyway and the site which met my eyes struck me to a halt.

"Dammit Lyyli!" he groaned and disappeared into the bathroom and I just stood there a mix of chock and the tips of my mouth curled slightly upwards. I closed the door behind me and calmly walked away, down the stairs and back to my own apartment.
The entire way I kept that shocked expression on my face, along with the slightly upwards curled corner of my mouth until I entered my apartment and... laughed.
I laughed because I had walked in on Jussi jerking off to one of the porn video's in his collection.

I had yet to move from my leaning spot against the door when there was a knock. The tears of laugher were still in my eyes as I opened the door, a flustered Jussi stood there, looking at everything but my eyes.
"Didn't your parents teach you how to knock?!" he yelled and walked in.
"I knocked!" I said and wiped away the tears. "Well you could've waited for me to open the fucking door!" he groaned and sat down. I really wanted to make a remark about how I didn't want specks on my couch but I really did my best to hold it in. I couldn't exactly do that, he got a temper.
"I was bored..."
"So what, you decided to barge in?" I looked at Jussi. He still looked flushed and refused to look at me. Did I embarrass him that much? Do guys find it... yeah okay I understand why he would be embarrassed.
"Sorry." I said and sat down next to him. It was hilarious to see him so shy, to see him hurt perhaps?
"Yeah well... just don't barge in like that any more." He said and finished the beer I had put on the table.

"So what are you up to?" he asked casually, trying to change the subject.
"I was bored, why'd you think I came over to your place?" I asked him and the look in his eyes didn't predict much good so I gave a remark that just slipped out.
"Didn't you get off a few seconds ago?" My eyes went wide and I clasped a hand over my mouth as I watched his eyes go wide too.
"Sotkea!" he yelled and dived right at me, me eyes went even wider as his hands went to my sides and he started to tickle me.
"Oh no stop it! Stop It! STOP IT! I can't take it anymore!" I cried out between laughs, if you don't know I'm very ticklish.
"Give!" Jussi threatened and continued to tickle me.
"Alright, alright! I give!" I laughed and he stopped tickling me, but he kept hovering with his face above mine and again with tears in my eyes I looked up at him.
"Hi." I said smiling and he leaned down... and when his lips touched mine I didn't pull away.

"Well... that was... fun." I said out of breath and sweaty and Jussi was lying in my bed, a cigarette in his mouth and he was looking very pleased.
"Aren't you glad you came to see me" Jussi said smugly and I turned to him, rolling my eyes.
"Shouldn't I be saying that? This beats manual any time." I said smirking and got up, pulling on my clothes. I felt the weight shift and looked behind me, Jussi in blooming nature, his body glistening from sweat in the aftermath of our activity. That my friends was pure Beauty.
"I'm going to take a shower." I nodded and he left my room.
So far the sexual break between Jussi and me... god I'm an idiot.
I quickly searched for all my clothes, it's funny how THAT seemed to be the only thing I've been doing these days. When Jussi came back out, leaving not much to the imagination with his dripping wet body and a towel wrapped low around his waist.

"Done already?" he asked surprised that I was already dressed and not in the mood for the usual after play.
"I thought you were bored..."
"Yes well..." I hesitated truth or no truth? "I don't think this should be happening this often anymore." I said and Jussi frowned, why would I be passing up on sex? If I had to answer that being some one other than me, than I would have been surprised too.
"This situation... we... this feels too much couple like. So it's best if we don't have sex anymore for a while. Until I got some things worked out." I said and bit my lip, wondering what he would say.
But this was Jussi we were talking about, as long as he had sex it was good. But I was 60 percent of his sexual activity and I was just cutting him off.

"I thought we agreed no strings attached." He said as if he was blaming me for something. For the situation getting awkward.
"Excuse me? If I remember correctly these past few weeks you've been coming to me"
His eyes turned darker and I knew I had said to much. He shot me a dirty glare.
"Like you don't want it. I know who you've been fucking in between too. So I'm not exactly the one who's a sex addict!"
I rolled my eyes, "That isn't even the point. And it's not like you keep away from the little blondes that cast there bambi eyes at you." I yelled back. If he wanted a fight he was getting one.

"At least I'm not fucking everyone that offers." He spat with venom in his voice.
"Are you calling me a whore ?!" I shouted back at him, hurt surging through my body. I didn't care much if some called me a whore, but that word coming out of his mouth, stung harder than a bee attack.
"Get the fuck out of my apartment Jussi." I said, the stone cold tone of my voice surprising even myself after I had uttered it. I think it surprised Jussi to and he took his clothes and walked out the front door, my towel still clinging around his waistline.
I sat back down in bed and looked at one of the pictures I had standing on my nightstand, one was of me and Jussi. Others were of my family and the guys... I groaned in frustration, especially when I felt wet substances slipping from my eyes and threw the picture of Jussi and me against the wall accompanied with a frustrated and annoyed scream, the glass cracked and fell in shards to the ground.
Great now I had to clean that up too.
Jussi always gave me such a mess.