Status: active

Mattress Love

girls just want to have fun

Someone was knocking on my door, for a while now I believe because I was sleeping and I woke up due to louder knocks. So still half asleep, my hair tossed in all kinds of abnormal directions and with my boyshorts crawling a little higher than they should be, I opened the door.

"Morning ... nice outfit, we need to talk." Jyrki's deep voice met my ears and after he finished looking me over and be damn well pleased he walked right past me, pecking me on the cheek as usual when we greeted each other, into my kitchen leaving me confused as hell.
In slow motion I stepped aside, only to find Jyrki returning with breakfast and sitting down at my dining table.
"Come darling." Jyrki smiled and in my dazed and confused state I walked over to him, pushing my leg underneath me as I sat down, the loose misfits shirt was pressed to my body but the draft made me aware of the missing low cut sleeves.
"I bet you haven't eaten a decent meal for a while now, seeing your kitchen, let alone breakfast."

I was still looking at him in a daze, blinking my eyes in the hope the blurriness would fade away. So far no change, I was still slow, seemingly awakening from narcotics. If I wasn't I would've been able to reply to his comment, it isn't right coming from someone who thinks take out is a way of life.
"Why are you here?" I managed to say but it was quickly followed by a yawn.
"Well aren't we nice this morning..."
I simply shrugged, "Did you really expect to find me any different at this hour? Which reminds me... you're up early."

Jyrki grinned at me before he took a bite from his buttered toast. I looked at the dry toast on my plate, "You just came here because you know I have food in the house don't you?"
"No, actually I stopped by to see Jussi but the man was at it again so I came here, else I would've come down here all for nothing... and because I haven't heard much from you lately of course..." Jyrki said smiling and continued to eat.
I on the other hand couldn't get a bite through my throat after hearing that.

Jussi and I had been not talking to each other for almost 3 weeks now and we stopped having wild, raving, exiting, rough, fantastic... O right, getting off topic well we didn't have sex any more, in fact just to prove that I wasn't a whore, as he called me, I stopped having sex for these past weeks. And you'd think he'd care that we suddenly didn't talk, didn't have sex any more. But as Jyrki just said, Jussi just didn't care.

Only after a week did I hear his bed squeak again and every time the bed squeaked I hated him even more.
A part of me thought that maybe there was still more to us than just the sex, but clearly Jussi didn't feel the same way. And just because Jyrki had said that Jussi was busy I could hear the bed squeak again. In fact I think I had already gotten accustomed to it that it took me this long to hear it. And I cursed the thin floors in this building and when the bed stopped squeaking the only thought that crossed my mind was To Hell with Jussi
"What are you guys doing tonight?"

It had been a silly question to ask , I now figured because it had been a Monday night and on Mondays it's off to the local bar. That's what I liked about the guys so much, even though they were popular they did not have the need to only go to the most expensive bars in the country and drink champagne and eat caviare all night. No you did these guys the biggest favour with vodka, beer and greasy McDonalds.

So I made sure I was ready by the time Jyrki would come to pick me up. As I looked at my reflection in the mirror for a last check up I had only one goal in sight: To have the best time of my life. And who knows I might succeed even with Jussi there.
My cell rang and I quickly answered it, "Yeah?"
"We're waiting darling" I smiled at Jyrki's voice and hung up.

I quickly grabbed my keys and my money and walked out of my apartment, straight into the elevator. But I didn't expect to find him in there, or well maybe I did he was going after all, but not with a real life Barbie. The squeaking sounds of the bed suddenly got two faces and a lot of extra footage and I quickly pressed stop on the tape in my head. Some things I just don't want to know even if I'm very curious of nature. Don't they say curiosity killed the cat? Well imagining the origin of the squeaking sounds would definitely kill me.

"Jussi do we really have to go." Barbie said flirtatiously and I could imagine how she was hanging off his arm, one of her hands on his chest and her lips dangerously close to his ear.
"Don't you rather want to go back upstairs?" the low moan in her voice made me almost want to laugh, Jussi didn't like that clingy voice unless he would want to go back himself. In this case he didn't thus I was pretty sure that he would dump Barbie at the bar almost immediately and go find himself another one. That's just how Jussi worked, a lot of girls found it hard to make peace with that.
"I already said no." he groaned and I couldn't help but snort and immediately I felt his eyes fixate on my back, but this time probably with a full glare instead of the admiring gaze he had been giving me the minute I stepped in the elevator.
"Something funny?"
"Not at all" I said, our first exchange of words in three weeks and it were those of anger and mock... great progress don't you think? I got out of the elevator and walked to Jyrki's car.

"Wait you're coming with us?" Jussi suddenly asked.
"Of course she is." Jyrki answered looking confused at his friend and pecked me on the cheek, "You look lovely."
"Are you two like... a couple?" Barbie asked, having a mixed look of disappointment and disgust on her face and Jussi and I couldn't help but laugh.
"No." Jyrki said curtly, eyeing Jussi in the rear-view mirror and started up the car, telling me Archie, Timo-Timo and Bazie were meeting us at the bar.

Jyrki was talking about how they were leaving for 3 days to do some concerts, one in Tampere, one in Joensuu and one in Kuopio.
"Aw, but what am I supposed to do then? I'll be lonely." I said dramatically, pouted and placed my head on Timo-Timo's shoulder. Who laughed and patted it, which made me smile and I pecked his cheek. Did I mention I was a tad bit tipsy... okay make that drunk off my ass if you like. Jack came to visit, multiple times. I could swear I heard Jussi mumble something but I chose to ignore it, knowing him it would've probably been an insult. As predicted he had dumped Barbie only seconds after we entered the bar and had yet to find a new prey.
"You can go annoy Ville." Bazie said, equally drunk and I shook my head, "No silly, he's in Europe!"
"Right..." Bazie is a skilled drinker so it made me wonder exactly how much the man had already gulped down and that's when one of my favourite songs came on.
"Oh! Let's dance!" I jumped off of Timo-Timo and pulled him with me to the dance floor, against his will, where others were already dancing.

I continued to dance even after Timo-Timo had left back to the table with the other guys, which actually was very quickly but I didn't really mind nor did I mind Jussi's eyes on me as I swayed my hips in every possible direction, but then again that could've been because I was enjoying myself to much to notice.

"You do know staring isn't polite." Jyrki said to Jussi, surprisingly both men were still sober.
"I'm not staring." Jussi said curtly.
"We both know that if you two would still be together you'd be all over her right about... now." Jyrki said and looked at me when I started to grind a bit too hard with another girl who was having fun on her own. Drawing more manly eyes to us.
"What's wrong with you two anyway? You haven't said a word to each other all night."
"Really? I haven't noticed."
Jyrki sighed, he wasn't getting anything out of Jussi, perhaps he should try to interrogate me later, I was drunk after all.

The girl I was dancing with said her goodbyes and I looked around, trying to spot someone as amusing yet not creepy or horny like all the other guys that were ogling me and that's when I spotted him. And me being in my drunken state of mind I again forgot to think and latched onto his arm, scaring the hell out of him.

"Lyylli?" he said shocked and his eyes darted around immediately, "What are you doing here."
I smiled and bit my lip casually, a habit of mine I produced whenever I was up to no good.
"Just looking for some fun." He looked down into my eyes, not surprisingly difficult seeing how I was a head shorter than him.
Because my hand was on his shoulders I felt him relax and a lopsided smile formed on his lips.
"You do know I'm getting hell for this." he whispered as he bent down to reach my lips, something the twinkle in my eyes must have given away.

"What do you mean?" I asked, feeling my cheeks heat up as he got closer. He might have been for one night only, but that doesn't prevent me from blushing at the fact that a hot guy was going to kiss me and was smelling awfully delicious intoxicating me even more.
"I'm not exactly allowed to touch Jussi's things." and that's when my eyes shut open and I pulled away.

"Excuse me?!"
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this is really copy paste from quizilla. just bare with me, who knows I might get into updating this thing again