Status: active

Mattress Love

Girls just want to have fun pt2

"What gives you the impression that Jussi owns me?" I asked, pulling away from his lips, how ever cute they may have been when he pouted after I pulled away I needed to hear this first.
"Are we going to have sex later?" he asked with flirtatious brown eyes that were also clouded by the intoxicating liquor. I nodded, hoping he would talk to me, for a moment there I felt completely sober.
"He's tells everybody you're his."
I snorted, "Just because we have casual sex now and then doesn't make me his Hannu."
"You don't believe me?" he asked in mock, "There's a reason why every male in this joint only gives you hungry stares in stead of taking action, because they know you're Jussi's. You actually believed that my shiner here," he said pointing at his eye which had once been encircled in a purple, blue-ish colour, later black and yellow, it was pretty much disgusting, "was a result of me walking into a door? He'll kill anyone who'll touch you." Hannu whispered the last part while leaning in and softly kissed my ear.

I swallowed the lump in my throat. Jussi... HIS?

I pulled away from Hannu, "I'll be right back." I said sweetly and looked at where the guys were, if he was threatening everyone because I supposedly belonged to him, not allowed to touch or be touched by anyone other than him, than I really liked to know why he was allowed to shag every offering bimbo that came on to him, like he was planning right now.
I pushed my way to the crowd, very wobbly may I add, and reached up the platform where I once sat.

"Lyyli!" Timo Timo said, now equally wasted, I didn't take time to smile as I kicked Jussi hard in the shin.
"What the..."
"You're a real asshole you know that?" I started and Jussi and his fuck of the night looked at me. Both of them very pissed at interrupting their ehm, make out session, although it looked more like a who can eat which face first.

"What the hell Lyyli can't you see I'm busy..." he groaned and it only made me glare at him even harder, Jyrki was looking from me to Jussi and back not really following and I couldn't blame him, after all he had no clue that my sex life still involved Jussi.

"Yes about that, when in this god forsaken time on earth- did you get a say in my sexlife?! Just because you can get in my pants once in a while doesn't mean you have to scare of every god damn guy I sleep with! The day you dumped me you lost that right; And I swear if I ever see as much as a crook eye to one of my guys you'll be dead meat!" I yelled, I was drunk so my speech was slightly affected but I think he got the message, considering every one else in the bar heard it loud and clear. But what irked me more than the dozens of bystanders who were now intensely staring at us, was that all that Jussi could do was sit there, with the girl on his lap with an absolute blanc expression, not being phased by my outburst at all. It irked me so much that I purposely kicked his shin again with such force that the girl shot off his lap and screamed once more at the top of my lungs "Go to Hell Jussi."

I pushed through the crowed again, making sure his eyes were following me and linked arms with Hannu.
"My place" I whispered in his ears and fixed my eyes on Jussi, seeing the rage pump through him as Hannu walked me outside, his arm already unlinked and resting on my ass.
The time where I was his property has long been over. At least I thought it had.

Jyrki's POV

I sat in my seat, probably being the most sober of all of us, confused at to what just happened. Jussi pushed the girl of his lap with full force, not minding if she got hurt and stormed outside, I went after him. That's what friends do, you might say but it wasn't to prevent him from doing anything stupid... okay maybe it was, we all know how Jussi gets, but also to have a decent talk about him banging a certain bottle black haired without telling.

Jussi was standing outside, kicking against a street pole.
I casually walked up to him, sticking a cigarette between my lips and inhaling the sweet nicotine.
"So besides giving yourself a very sore foot, do you like to relate some reasons for your current actions?"
"Shut up." Jussi groaned and rested his head against that same pole he probably bruised his foot against, which wouldn't be so well considering he's the drummer.
I erased the image of Jussi also banging his head against the pole and having the pole formed into his head like often happens in cartoons and god knows I have been watching to much cartoons today.

"You could've just told me you were sleeping with her again."
"Oh yeah sure. I don't like to be the centre of your mockery thank you very much."
"We all know how much you loved her, I'd take it more as a good opportunity for you two to get back together than a joke where you're hung up on her."
"What we had has long been gone Jyrki, don't look for things that aren't there."
"So you calling her your property after having one night stands with her proves that how?"
"Fuck off Jyrki! Honestly I don't have to take this." Jussi groaned and wanted to walk away but I walked after him and touched his shoulder, hoping to calm him and apologise, but all I got was a fist instead. And probably a nice shiner in the morning.

Lyyli's POV

I awoke to someone shouting my name, rather loudly. It couldn't have been Hannu because I had sent him home minutes after we both left the bar, for some reason sleeping with him just to annoy Jussi wasn't exactly what I really wanted.
"Lyyli open up I know your in there!" the voice boomed and with my eyes half open I wobbled to my door. I pressed my ear against the door because for the time I spend from walking from my bed to the door the knocking and shouting stopped.
The wooden door felt cool against my skin, and the silence was soothing. Of course until another loud bang was forced on the door, scaring me half to death and awakening my senses completely.
I looked through the peep-hole... Jussi?!

"Lyyli! I know you're there! Open up!" he yelled, his words slurred, god how drunk was he?
"Lyyli I know he isn't in there with you! I know you wouldn't do something like that to me! You love me. You always have." Even though he sounded drunk he knew very well how to turn his voice in a way that didn't gave his intoxicated state away, not to mention have it twisted in a seductive tone... and pulling it off.I rolled my eyes.

"Go to sleep Jussi!" I yelled but regretted it immediately, he was now pressed against my door, trying to come in, speaking in hushed tones.
"I knew you were there, I knew you didn't mean all of that. You love me, let me in. Prove it to me that you love me."
I sighed at that, maybe I wanted to hear him say he still loved me, it would make things easier for me, it would make me ... Not Alone. But he was just here, at my doorstep, because he wanted sex. Somehow I can't believe that that still surprised me.
After all that was the whole foundation of our relationship.

"Lyyli open up or I'll kick in your door!"
"Jussi go to sleep! You're waking up everyone!" I was so going to get scolded by the neighbours... why couldn't he just leave me alone I thought and placed my head against the door, closing my eyes
"I need you Lyyli, I want you." My eyes shot open. He didn't mean that. He didn't say that, it was just a trick.
"Well I don't need you!" I yelled at him and silence fell. I heard him stumble away towards the elevator.
Little did I know, that he actually meant every word he had said
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are you still baring with me? great thanks. a few more updates to go tonight :)