Status: active

Mattress Love

of winning and waiting

I looked at my reflection in the mirror. Laying a final touch on my make up. If I said so myself I was looking good. I walked out of my bathroom to the living room where Jyrki was sitting on my couch, waiting for me to finish up, toying with one of the rings he was wearing.
Yes, I was going out with Jyrki and the guys and yes I'm still on non-speaking terms with Jussi but Jyrki assured me that he wasn't coming. I guess he still hasn't got the nerve to come with them after what he did to Jyrki.

"I still can't believe he gave you a black eye. You had absolutely nothing to do with our fight." I said when I saw the circle underneath his eye. It has only been a week so it was still very clear that he had an encounter with a loose fist. I wonder what the fans had to say because yesterday was their last performance.
"I was annoying him when he was pissed off, I should've known better than to do that."
"Oh bull. The man needs to get whatever's up his ass out of there and act normal again."
"Sweety you basically told him to go fuck himself and left with a guy he rather sees in a coffin than in your bed, that's not exactly what he expects from you."
"Jyrki..." I said feeling where he was leading this conversation too and it wasn't a topic that I actually wanted to discuss.
I walked to the kitchen to get a beer, hoping this was an excuse to say that I couldn't hear what he was saying but he followed me.

"But I don't get how it's possible that you guys had had sex al along without us noticing."
"That's because you guys are stupid. I had to send Jussi up that fire escape like a billion times and the other way around when you guys came to visit." Jykri laughed, trying to find a memory in his mind where this could have occurred.
"Now let's go, I want to party"
"You do know changing subjects won't get you out of this one."
"I'm not. We'll talk later but now I want to get wasted."

I was sitting at our usual place at the bar, sipping my beer when I saw someone entering the bar who I really didn't want to see today. I nudged Jyrki hard in the side.
"Auch! What?!" he hissed rubbing his sore bones.
"I tought you said he wasn't going to be here."
Jyrki looked in the direction I was looking and rose his eyebrows, shrugging. "It's not like I can lock him up and prevent him from going anywhere, he's not my dog."
"Really? Could've fooled me." I remarked getting a menacing look from Jyrki who simply turned around to continue to talk to who ever he was talking to. All I knew was that my mood had turned from upbeat to depressed in a blink of an eye all because of a certain spiky haired jerk who was making his way towards us.

As you can tell by previous dialogues and mood swings Jussi and I still hadn't Kissed and made up as they say. Basically because I am in my full right to be angry with him and he owes Me an apology. But unfortunately I'm a fool to believe I will get an apology from Jussi. The man never says sorry.
When we were having a fight about yet another stupid thing that had us cooped up in our own apartments I was usually the one to admit that I was wrong. When Jussi actually made a move to end a fight he would climb the fire escape and enter my apartment through my window, walk up to me and kiss me fiercely on the mouth and thus making me melt and... well doing what we had always done best and we wouldn't speak of the argument after.

So basically me waiting on an apology was a waste of time. As was sitting here and waiting for Jussi to sit down at our table while I could find a much better waste of time smiling at me from at the bar.
"I'll see you guys later." I said and left. Hoping to have some fun and maybe even getting some free beers.

"Alright that is it ! Lyyli get your saggy ass out of bed!" Anette yelled at me from at the doorway.
"But it's my day off!" I whined cursing for agreeing on meeting her this early. 10 am is way to early on a day off especially when you only got home at 4. "And my ass is not saggy!"
Anette rolled her eyes and opened the drapes letting the daylight into my room, I swear I shied away from it like a vampire. Damn nightlife.

"God you're annoying... Why did I ever become your friend?"
"Because I was the only one who actually gave you candy" She said smiling down upon me but I quickly changed that by throwing my pillow at her and her face suddenly was much more amusing to me.
"Come on we still have to go shopping for your pretty little award outfit. I can't believe you're going to be on television." Anette said, overjoyed of course and walked to my closet to pick out my clothes to go shopping. Anette was the kind of girl who could only go out, knowing she would have every guy look back at her. Unfortunately everyone accompanying her, would undergo the same fate. As long as she wasn't stupid enough to give me a mini skirt I was not complaining.

"It's not a big deal Anette, I mean I'm already on national radio."
"You know that's not the same."
"Yeah... it's way better." I said and she gave me another stare saying 'are you for real?'
"Come on now get up, let's go buy you something fancy schmansy and than you can tell me all about the bar incident the other night and how Jyrki's black eye relates to that."
I groaned and got up out of bed, "I agree on the first two things but that last one will cost you." I said grabbing the outfit she had chosen for me and she grinned slapping my butt on my way to the bathroom. "I'll buy you a vanilla late. Now GO!"

"Auch Girl." Anette uttered when she saw me walking out in my 'award winning outfit' as she called it. She had such little pet peeves, they made her adorable.
"So, looking good?"
"Good? Sweety if any male sees you those laces will get untied a hell of a lot faster than you just pulled them on." A red corset laced on the back and a nice black leather pants finished off with the necessary accessories and a great pair of shoes. Although I must say I'm doubting between high heels and plain old All Stars.
"You know what would top this day?" Anette started after I paid for my new clothes.
"Some spicy accessories." She grinned and I rolled my eyes, "Alright you big baby but we need to stop at the tattoo parlour."

"Why?" Anette asked curiously.
"Ville has been terrorising my voice-mail to go check the tattoo parlour where he has chosen my tattoo in case I lost the bet."
"You do know he's probably going to brand you with a heartagram right?"
I shrugged, "At this point I could care less, because I know they're going to win the award."
"And what does he have to do when he loses?"
I grinned, "Anything I want..."
Anette grinned back at me, "You're gonna have him run around naked aren't you?"
"Who knows." I laughed and we both continued our shopping spree.
I love the smell of sex in the morning
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still with me?