Status: Reopened, and being edited partially completed so far.

Running Away, Now Stolen Away

Chapter 4: Nightmarish Awakening

Ch 4

I awoke in a bed, with someone's arms wrapped around me. I was about to scream bloody murder when I realized it was just Ren.

“You awake Amber?” Ren asked moving his arms away from me.

I nodded shyly; I am a very shy quiet person, and a bit mousy.

“Why did you guys kidnap me?”

He sighed softly almost as if he was sad “Hunter,” he growled “thought you could be a spy for Vince, so he decided it would be okay,” his tone softened. “But you must be hungry, when is the last time you ate?”

I smiled sheepishly “How long have I been asleep?”

“Two days, and before that one day.” Shit.

“Uh four days then,”

He frowned softly, “Come on, then Sean always keeps human food.”

Human? “What do you mean by ’human’ food, I mean you guys do eat right?”

“She doesn’t even know” he muttered under his breath.

“I don’t know what?”

“Well,” he seemed like he probably wouldn’t answer but then a look that said ‘oh well’ came across his face, “I’m a vampire,”

“Uh huh and I’m a faery; but seriously what?”

That’s when he jumped on top of me, with a whispered sorry.

Now he was hovering over me on the bed, he brought his face close to mine, and showed me his teeth. His really sharp pointy teeth, that looked like fangs, Crap.

“Okay I believe you, you can get off of me now,” Unluckily Sean chose that moment to walk in with Hunter.

And Hunter being Hunter said, “Dude if you’re gettin some action from her I want some too!”

Ren quickly got off of me “Just proving a point.”

“Yeah, sure a control one,”

“Anyways,” Sean said interrupting, “I need you Ren, to come and do something for me.”

“What about Amber?”

“Hunter can watch her.” I squeaked.

“Oh yes that is such a good idea, leave her here to get raped, yes you were definitely using your brain when you thought of that.” Thank gosh.

“Well you can take her to Adam if you want I’m sure she’ll be safe with him.”

“Amber?” Ren asked.

“Adam is fine,” I murmured, whoa he asked me what I wanted to do? Again Ren is AWEsome

Ren and Sean nodded in agreement. Hunter looked put out but then a sly grin crept over his face, I did not like the looks of that.

“Come on Amber,” Ren said grabbing a hold of my hand and pulling me along, I took one glance back, to see if I could see Sean’s or Hunter’s fangs.

“Is Sean the person in charge?” I asked truly curious.

Ren gave me a strange look then nodded. “He is, his dad and mom are the bosses of fantasy.”

“So they’re like, monarchs right? And when you say fantasy, you mean we entered a new realm?”

He nodded, “We’re here,” He said stopping in front of a door with Adam’s name on it, very convenient.

Ren knocked, and a few moments later Adam opened his door.

Adam saw me and gave Ren a questioning look. “Uh what can I do for you?”

“I need you to watch after Amber, and not let Hunter touch her,” Ren packed a lot of malice and a lot of threats in such a short statement, he wasn’t asking.

Adam nodded. He held out his hand for me to take, and hesitantly with some silent encouragement from Ren I gave him my hand and let go of Ren.

“I’ll see you later, bye and Adam she better be fine when I get back,” We all knew the ‘or else’ he didn’t add.

Again Adam nodded pulling me into his room and locking the door, he saw my worried eyes “Just in case Hunter tries anything.”

Oh. Great. I was endangered by a vampire of losing my virginity. Every girls dream becomes my nightmare like everything else in my life.

“Look, Amber I’m truly sorry.” Adam said pulling me out of my pity party.

“It’s okay,” I said softly, still shy. And knowing it wasn’t okay. It was then that I realized what I was wearing, and I hoped to god it was a maid that changed me though I had yet to see one. I was wearing a shirt that was big on me, and a pair of shorts that relatively fit, I also was not wearing a bra though I doubt any of these guys had C cups. I also felt bandages under the shirt I was wearing, which is probably one of the reasons it is baggy. For some reason I felt really exposed without a bra and again I was thankful for the bagginess of the shirt I was wearing.

“No it’s not,” Adam said, he seemed to notice I was looking at my apparel “Sean’s sister changed you but she doesn’t wear everything in the same size, and you needed a baggy shirt.”

I felt my face flush lightly.

“I can take you to her if you want, it will give you something to do, and she’s about your age she’s 18,”

“I’m 15,”

“Oh” That seemed to startle him, “Well guess that makes Hunter even more of a pedophile.”


I think he noticed the confused look, “You’re the youngest person here,” Oh “I’m 21, Sean is 23, Ren is 20, Wes is 22, and Hunter is 21.”

Oh whoa. Well I still love Ren even if he is five years older, oh well, and it’s really only four years since my birthday is; wait “What is the date?”

“The twelfth of June,”

“My birthday is in a week, awesomeness.”

Adam smiled lightly, “Uh happy birthday?”

I snorted, “Oh well, let’s go see Sean’s sister, uh, what’s her name?”


“Okay let’s go see Sean’s sister Trace, shall we?”

Adam nodded, “So what were you doing at our home?”

“Running away,”

“You sure did pick a hell of a place to run to, but your bag is in Ren’s room, you can get it when Sean is finished with him.”

“Umkay, now to Trace?”


And he led me out the door, wow this really isn’t too bad, other than Hunter that is, Ren is awesome, Adam is pretty cool once you get to know him, Wes seems indifferent about everything, and I bet Sean is a bad ass. Life with blood sucking monsters might not be as bad as I thought. Weird, never thought I’d have to say that.
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Thanks for the note on my wall, this is for you <3 (even tho no one else cared enough to comment D:)