

Charm City bleeds trash and hookers, heroin and the homeless. Have you walked that wire? Nameless faces lighting up cigarettes in the shade, the corner of Fremont. Hooded shadows with glittering, bright inconspicuous smiles and inviting fingers. An island created by factories, boundaries of thick, thick air (and yes, we really breathe that.) Saints shiver in the cold, saved only by smiling hands reaching into jingling pockets.
"Hello, beautiful," painted eyes and curving lipstick. Short skirts have never been so expensive.
Flick, lighter, spit cancer. Spare changes; lives read nothing but nickles and dimes and you can spell your name with the pennies they throw (we never give up the quarters.) Follow Lafayette into the city; the downtown full of lights to light the sky from towns away (Glen Burnie? Hell yeah.) And we've fallen in love with dirty streets, cheap tricks, cheap women- dirty lives (The Block is that way, "How far will 75 bucks get me?") They want to use somebody under the cover of the street- the cover of the neon lights which merely reflect on the wet streets. Always damp, always slippery and smiling back at the harmless backwards glow- letters? We've never lost so much hope and yet we- BELIEVE- read it and weep, lovely lights. Welcome to the stamped benches; we are The Greatest City In America.