My One & Only


The summer after Jack was gone all I did was listen to my iPod lay on my bed and day dream. I dreamed about what it would be like going to school with Jack because at the time I didn't know for sure if he had graduated. 

I know that as horrible as it is I dreamed about being in college and pregnant at eighteen with his baby girl. About him being out of our lives and me letting him go. Having an affair on my twenty-first birthday in Las Vegas. Becoming pregnant and marrying the other man. 

Ten years later divorcing and having a glamourous life as a designer. My daughter Samantha a singer, performing a concert and meeting her father after years of no contact as a twelve year old. 

Marrying Jack and realizing Tylet was his and having another baby girl together, Stephine. 

I lived on those dreams. It's what kept me alive. Truthfully I don't remember my summer other than that. 

Today I live on dreams but only while asleep. It's not healthy for me to day dream about him. I almost lost myself completely the first time.
♠ ♠ ♠
Again to Jack. 

And to my one subscriber. Thanks!! in the beginning this was going to be a one chapter kinda thing. You inspired me to write more when you subscribed. Please message me so I can write to you personally. And maybe read your stories. 

Subscribe and comment please!! :) Thanks to all!! Goodnight.