Status: Finished

Never Forget Me

Coming Clean


Lilah entered the common room with her heart pounding in her chest. She didn't want to lie to her friends but she had no other choice. If she told Becca that she was only dating Harry to make Cedric jealous then she'd tell Connor and Connor would tell Cedric. She found Becca, Connor, and Rachel all sitting around one of the tables playing chess. Cedric was sitting in one of the chairs in the corner reading a book. She gracefully walked over to her group of friends with a smile on her face.

"Where did you run off too? One minute you were there then you were gone." said Becca. "We heard you and Cedric got into an argument."

"I had to get some fresh air. As for Cedric, it's no big deal. I ran into Harry Potter. He kinda asked me out."

Becca and Rachel glanced at each other in utter confusion. They couldn't believe that Lilah was dating Harry. The two of them never even talked.

"How did that come about?" asked Becca.

"Well, he found me up in the Astronomy Tower. We began talking and he said he always had a crush on me. Then he asked me out! I said yes!"

"Congratulations!" said Becca. "But, what about Cedric?"

"He's apparently moved on. He's dating Cho now."

"He's what?" she shrieked. "How could he do this to you?"

"It's no big deal. I just want him to be happy. And he is."

"Yes, but are you happy?"

Lilah smiled. "I'm very happy. Now, I'm off to bed. I'll see you all in the morning."

Lilah walked passed Cedric who glanced up at her. Neither of them said a word to one another. She decided to just let Cedric hear it from Connor that she was dating Harry Potter. She washed up and got ready for bed. That night she slept peacefully. Early the next morning she woke up, took a shower, and got ready for the day. She waited for Becca and Rachel to get ready before walking down to the Great Hall. Harry was waiting for her in the lobby.

"Hi Lilah, would you like to sit with me during breakfast?" he asked.

She smiled warmly at him. "Sure. That is if it's alright with you two?" she asked Rachel and Becca.

"No, we're fine with it." replied Rachel.

Becca on the other hand didn't look so happy about this. She knew that something was up. For Lilah to get over Cedric that quickly was so impossible. She loved Cedric ever since she was six years old. She planned on confronting Lilah about this situation with Harry later on in the day. Lilah nodded then walked hand in hand with Harry in the Great Hall. Everyone stared at them as they headed over to the Gryffindor table and sat down. Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley smiled warmly at Lilah.

"They know the truth." he said as they sat down. "I couldn't keep it from them. I hope you're okay with it."

"No, it's fine Harry. I just don't want to tell my friends cause they'll tell Cedric. Do you think it's an awful idea?" Lilah asked Hermione.

"I think it's a clever idea but what if they find out the truth?"

"They won't. Us four are the only ones who know this is a fake relationship. If nothing works within a week we're breaking up." responded Harry.

"It's a bloody brilliant idea. Making them jealous works everytime." said Ron

Lilah and Harry watched the main doors to see if Cedric and Cho walked inside. Lilah's heart sped up when she saw them walk through the doors. Harry quickly put his arm around Lilah's waist. Cedric looked over at Lilah. She felt herself blush at the look on his face. He was heartbroken. Cho even noticed Harry and Lilah. She didn't look happy at all.

"I think we got them!" said Lilah.

She smiled over at Harry. He left his arm around her. The two of them flirted for a while until the bell rang. Harry grabbed her bag and the two of them walked hand in hand out of the Great Hall.

"I have Defense against the dark arts." she told Harry. "Here's my schedule." She handed him the sheet from yesterday. He tucked it away in his pocket.

"I'll be there after all your classes." he winked. "I think we did get them good!"

"Cho looked so jealous."

"So did Cedric. He had a mortified look on his face. I just hope this works."

"Believe me. It'll work."

Harry walked Lilah to her first class. They hugged each other before taking their seperate ways. Lilah sank down at a desk with Becca. Cedric walked up to her with a not so pleasant look on his face.

"Will you sit by me today?" he asked rather coldly.

"Why?" she asked.

"We need to talk."

"I have nothing to say to you."

Cedric grabbed Lilah's hand softly and lead her over to an empty table in the back. She set her bag down on the ground then took a seat next to him. While Professor Moody took up the essays Cedric didn't say a word. Even when Moody had them practice the advanced spells on spiders he didn't say a word. He finally spoke ten minutes before class was over.

"What is the deal with you and Potter?" he asked.

"What does it matter to you?"

"Why are you dating him?"

Lilah sighed. "I can date whoever I want. Just like you can date Cho."

"Are you just doing this to get back at me? Are you trying to make me jealous?"

"Is it working?"

Cedric frowned over at Lilah. "Seeing you with another bloke who isn't me will always make me jealous. He was touching you Lilah."

"You touch Cho."

"That's different." he whispered.

"Really?" Lilah's eyebrows shot up. "And please enlighten me. How is that different?"

Cedric sighed. "I just don't want him hurting you."

"He's not going to hurt me."

The bell rang loudly. Lilah quickly got up from the chair. She headed into the hallway. Harry was already waiting for her in the hallway. She smiled warmly at him then linked arms. Cedric rolled his eyes and walked off towards the dungeons.

"Yeah, we got to him." Lilah told him.

"Brilliant! Cho stopped me in the hallway on the way back and she asked if we were dating. I told her we were."

"Maybe this plan was an great idea after all!"

Harry nodded. He lead Lilah down to the dungeons where potions class would be held. She gave him a hug goodbye then went into the class. For the next four hours Harry and Lilah walked hand in hand through the hallways. Classes with Cedric weren't as great as Lilah had expected. He had totally ignored her during class. She didn't like him ignoring her but she had to get over it. She put this upon herself. During dinner her and Harry sat by eachother. Everyone kept staring at them dumbfounded. Lilah really didn't like it because she hated people staring at her. If she was with Cedric she really wouldn't mind but with Harry she had no feelings for him at all. It felt really uncomfortable for him to have his hand wrapped around her waist with everyone watching. After dinner, her and Harry walked around the courtyard then bid each other goodnight. As Lilah walked towards the Hufflepuff common room she heard loud footsteps behind her. She turned around to see Becca standing there not so pleased.

"What the bloody hell is going on with you and Potter?" she asked.

Lilah shrugged. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Like hell you do. I'm you're best friend Lilah. I think I know when you're lying to me or hiding something from me. If you don't tell me the truth and I find out I'm not going to be a very happy person with you."

"Fine." sighed Lilah. "Harry and I aren't really dating."

"I knew it. So, how did this all come about?"

"I went up to the Astronomy tower last night to clear my thoughts. Harry was up there as well. We began to talk to each other. He was having girl problems while I was having guy troubles. Cedric had just told me he's dating Cho. Anyway, while we talked a little longer Harry asked me who the lucky guy was and I told him it was Cedric. He said it was funny because he had a huge crush on Cho. The two of us devised a plan to act like we're dating just to make Cedric and Cho jealous. I guess it's working because Cedric wasn't too happy with me today."

Becca nodded. "How long is this fiasco going to last?"

"About a week."

"Why not two weeks? You want people to believe that you and Potter are dating right?"

"Yes. But, I'll see what happens in the next week or so."

Becca sighed. "You know, this would've just been easier if you told Cedric that you love him."

"I know it would but I'm stubborn and so is he."

Lilah walked up to the portrait and said the password. The door swung open to reveal the Hufflepuff common room. Lilah stepped inside to see Cedric sitting at one of the tables working on his homework. Just like the night before she walked passed him without saying a single word.
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