Status: give me ideas!!

More Than A One Night Stand

"Shit I'm Naked!"

The next morning Vivian woke up to a rather sexy passed out boy beside her. She was shocked that he was still here, that he didn’t up and leave after what they did last night. Normally the boys she had would have left after they got what they wanted or left in the early A.M’s of the morning, or Viv would wake up and realise that the guy she treated herself with the night before.. well.. wasn’t uh, how could you put it? Uh… not so smexy? Not up to standard? Basically wasn’t as good looking at the current boy lying in her bed right now. Right this second!
But this morning she thought she did exceptionally well last night. ‘This’ll be a good day’ she though to herself, seeing as though she had no hangover, woke up to a rather sexy looking (oh and did I mention he was totally naked too) guy in her bed and she was going to be early for work for the first time in a bajillion years. The one thing that was irritating her was that she couldn’t remember his name.
“Alvin?” She whispered trying to catch her memory.
“No. Al-“
“Alex” the woken up boy in her bed cut her off.
“I’m Alex Gaskarth and your Vivian Taylor, the beautiful girl from last night in that smoking red dress right?” he questioned with a beautiful yet sleepy looking smile.
“Oh. Y-yes.” She managed to get out those simple words sounding more like a question than an answer. She felt herself blush as to how sweet the boy was.
“Oh shit. Fuck. Shit. Fuck. It’s 9:30 A.M!” she screamed louder than necessary. The boy was rather confused; he wanted to sleep in all day. He though her bed was so comfy so laid back and pulled her closer to his naked self. She too wanted to sleep in till 2 in the afternoon but could not risk getting fired. She got out of his embrace and out of the bed not even realising that she was completely nude and walked to her walk in wardrobe.
“And? Oh and nice but baby!” he said loudly.
“And… I have work Alex Gaskarth, you know the thing you do to earn money and the thing you do to earn a living? Shit I’m naked!” She panicked grabbing her under garments and putting them on.
“No don’t put your clothes on. Your beautiful without them you know?” He whispered as he poked his head through the door of my walk in wardrobe.
“Oh shut up!” I teased while putting on my tight skinny jeans and a loose singlet on.
“I wanna see you again, even though I don’t remember half of what went down last night. You seem pretty amazing, and you sure as hell look the part!” He stated as he warped his arms around my waist. He leaned his head on he crook of my neck and kissed it softly, making my heart beat jump.

What was she hearing? He wanted to see her again? Viv hadn’t heard such words that sounded as true as that was.
“uhhm, what?” she questioned, unsure of what shed just heard.
♠ ♠ ♠
