Forbidden Sins


For what was perhaps the first time in her young life, Audra found herself at a complete loss for words. Her face had flushed hot red and she was drawing a complete blank. Of course, she wasn't an idiot, she knew what other people would do with their slaves if they even thought of speaking to them the way that Lauren was talking to her. But...she just couldn't bring herself to do it. he was standing right in front of her, and she knew without a doubt that she could hurt him without expending much effort. He towered over her, but she was fast and wicked strong. Came with the turf, after all. She stood there for a moment, staring and wondering what she should do with him, and then she simply shrugged it off, trying not to look as hurt as she felt. "Fine. Sleep wherever the fuck you want to sleep." She said, eyes narrowing. It came out more snarly than she had intended, but she didn't regret it.

She flicked her tongue over her fangs, storming into the kitchen. She may not know what to do with him, but she was still annoyed as hell. Annoyed and hurt, now that the embarassement had faded. She hadn't planned for him, she didn't have a place for him to sleep or anything. It had been on a complete whim that she had bought him, and now she was wishing she'd just stuck to her guns and let him stay there. Why did she always listen to the random ideas that floated into her head? She had thought she was doing him a favor; after all, as far as masters went, she was beyond merciful. Most vampires would have broken half the bones in his body for that one statement, but she couldn't bring herself to do anything.

Scowling, she pulled open a cupboard and slammed it shut again with such force that it hung nearly off it's hinges. She didn't even want to look at him right now. She growled a little, glaring down at the door. "Ugh, fuck you too," She said to the cupboard. Her look was so intense it was a wonder the whole kitchen didn't just burst into flames.

Why had she bothered? She didn't know. She didn't have the patience to put up with it, so why hadn't she thought of that before she'd paid for him. The thought crossed her mind to just take him back, sell him off to somebody else. That would certainly be the easy way out.

She looked at him for a moment, laying her hands on the counter. The thought was gone nearly as quickly as it came. As mad as she was right now, in this moment, she still didn't think that she had been entirely wrong. She didn't know what to do with him, or how she was supposed to maintain control without actually doing it physically. Christ, life was always complicating itself. She narrowed her eyes, looking at him as if she was trying to read his soul. If he wanted to sleep on the damn couch, he could sleep on the damn couch and she would sleep in her king-size bed all by herself. It was his loss. She refused to let herself feel hurt. She refused to let herself remember how lonely she was here by herself. For now, she was just angry and confused.
♠ ♠ ♠
rawr angerz.
