Forbidden Sins


He was standing in a very precarious position. One foot was on a chair and the other was one the counter as he reached into the small space between the cabinets and roof to find a dead mouse. Not his favorite occupation, but a necessary chore. He hadn't been sleeping much lately. He blamed little Audra. Damn but she made him feel guilty for not wanting to sleep in her bed. He was trying to be a good guy. He was trying to be appropriate. So what happens? He gets reamed for it! He was never going to understand women.

He grabbed a hold of the dead body and tried to suppress the shudder that went through him. He hated the feeling. He really did. He hopped off the counter to the floor and threw the thing away without looking at it before scrambling to the sink and washing his hands. He turned off the faucet and rested his forehead on his crossed arms. He hated dead things. The way that it was so cold and the flesh yielded without a fight. Mostly it scared him. He didn't want to think that one day he would be that lifeless shell. He knew that every human died eventually, but the wasn't what he wanted for himself.

Audra screamed.

His eyes snapped open and Lauren was spinning around. He was worried about her. Was she hurt? Was she being attacked? Sure he couldn't do much as a human, but it was still his job to do something. She drove him nuts, but in his own way, he cared about her. She was odd, but kinda cute in that odd way.

She stood standing in the doorway of the kitchen almost as soon as he got their. Her eyes were wide and full of fear and her hair was disheveled from sleep. "It's Duncan and Fin," she said breathlessly. Lauren felt his heart plummet into his shoes. His baby sister...his baby sister... "They...someone's gonna die." Lauren slipped passed Audra and started towards the front door. "Where are you going?" she demanded irritated.

"I'll be right back," he promised sounding slightly annoyed himself.

She put a tiny hand on her hip. "You can't do anything. Let Duncan handle this."

Lauren paused at the door and sighed before he turned back to look at her. "She's my sister. I can't just stand here and do nothing. I can take her somewhere safe so Duncan doesn't have to worry," he turned back to the door before muttering under his breath: "Not that I care."

Audra sighed and grabbed his wrist. He'd forgotten how fast she was. "You're going to get lost," she said shaking her head and pushing him out of the way so she could go first. "Let me lead."
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Bwhaha! Gotta love the little spitfire women! Yes our plan is forming nicely...though after this whether we have a plan or not is a surprise we are hiding from you until the very last moment!

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