Forbidden Sins


On one level, Infinity really did feel bad about the whole situation. But it wasn't because the other vampire was going to die. She didn't like him. He had hurt her after all. It was because Duncan had to do this. Audra had to do this. That was her doing. Even as Lauren forced her to look away and bury her head in his chest, she could still hear. She knew what was going on. She heard the audible crack of bones breaking and didn't even flinch. She was almost certain she would have, but in the end, she didn't move a muscle. She just stayed, resting against her brother and waiting.

"I'll handle the body," Duncan said. She felt Lauren stiffen and knew that meant that Duncan was coming towards them.

"Damn right you will," Fin was already turning and could see the little blonde vampire's annoyance clearly written on her face. Fin held out her hand for Duncan to take and refused to look up at him. She didn't want to start the conversation before her brother had left. Especially in his current mood.

"Look at me," Duncan said softly after the sounds of Lauren and Audra had long ago faded away. Fin worried her bottom lip trying to think quickly about what she was going to say. "Infinity," his finger rested under her chin and tilted her head up so that she was forced to look him in the eyes. "Never run away from me again. Never leave my side again. If I had not been listening for you and watching out for you, you could have been killed."

"Duncan," Fin said softly. He looked a little shocked. It was the first time, besides when she had screamed it, that she had actually called him by his name. "I never want to try to escape. I just wanted to know that you cared enough to come after me."

The silence began to linger and thicken between them as they stood there just watching each other. Duncan sighed. "Go inside. We'll discuss this when I return." He finally said letting her go and turning back to the body. Fin paused a moment. Then she felt something she hadn't ever felt before in her life.

She felt the urge to obey.
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Short chappy! I know! Sorry! >.< Hope you enjoyed it anyway!

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