Forbidden Sins


She probably should have been entertaining her brother or something, but he was fixing one of Duncan's cabinets in the basement. So instead, she found herself hiding outside the parlor, listening to Duncan and Audra talk. She couldn't help it as she crouched outside the door. It was such an interesting conversation. After all, Audra was saying that she felt the same thing that her brother felt. Of course it was obvious from her point of view that neither of them had said anything. It made her just want to burst in and admit it for them both, but that would ruin the fun and probably ruin the situation.

Instead she just sat, barely breathing and listened to what they were saying. "We'll figure something out, Audra. We'll go if we have to, there's nothing holding either of us here." Fin sat up sharply, forgetting to breath for a moment as she listened. Had Duncan (Duncan of all people) said that?

"We?" Audra asked.

"You don't think I'm going to make you handle this all by yourself, do you?" Her heart sank to her toes. She felt very afraid. She would be happy for Lauren and Audra to have a chance together and she knew that Duncan cared about Audra like a sister or daughter...but...did they have to leave? More importantly, did they have to leave her?

She felt sad and ready to cry. She sniffed. She was not going to cry. She didn't even notice the room on the other side of the door fall silent as she wiped her sleeve across her face. The door next to her was yanked open and she stumbled to the side and into Duncan's chest. He was frowning down at her. She smacked his chest. "You can't leave me," she ordered clearly upset.

Duncan looked confused, but it was Audra who understood. "We're not leaving you Fin! We can't leave you!"

Realization dawned on Duncan's face before he sighed. His arms slowly, almost reluctantly wrapped around Fin. "Have I ever left you at the house alone?" she shook her head and hugged him as tight as she could. "Then you have your answer."
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Teehee, Fin and Audra are such little handfuls! Gotta love them!

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