Forbidden Sins


Poor Fin. It was clear now that the little redhead had overheard their whole conversation and heard it wrong. of course they had no intention of going anywhere and leaving her all by herself here, Duncan would never do such a thing. Duncan was trying to calm the girl, rubbing her back and murmuring to her. Audra took it as her cue to get Lauren and take off. She didn't want to hang around and intrude, she just wanted to take him home with her.

It was a short walk back to her place from Duncan's, ten minutes at the very most. Even with Lauren in tow. He certainly did slow her; she could make the trip in thirty seconds if she ran as fast as she could. She didn't mind dawdling a little bit, especially with Lauren. Truth be known, she just liked to spend time with him, even if he was being a pain in the ass and she was making empty threats to beat on him. She never meant it. She wouldn't hurt him ever, whether she thought that he deserved a smack or not.

She unlocked the front door to the house and held the door open with her hip, tossing her keys into the bowl on the kitchen table. Lauren wandered in after her, and Audra was sure he was looking for something to fix. She didn't know how he found all that stuff to work on all the time-- sometimes she thought he broke stuff just so that he could fix it, or that he just banged his wrench around to make it look like he was doing something. Sometimes she wondered if he was just trying to avoid talking to her.

Almost out of habit, she opened up the fridge to see what was inside. There were a couple of shelves of synthetic blood for her, and then the rest was filled with 'people' food. The stuff humans ate. She missed it. Synthetic blood was nothing compared to fresh blood, but she couldn't bring herself to feed on anyone. What she missed the most was the taste of food, real food. It was the part of being a human that she had never appreciated until it wasn't there anymore.

She pulled some stuff out, laid it on a cutting board and started chopping.

Lauren looked at her curiously. "What are you doing?"

Audra peered at him, fingers moving nimbly without her having to watch them. "Cooking." She nodded, eyes falling back to her work. She could practically feel his confusion as he put two and two together and realized that she was cooking for him. She changed the subject before he could ask her any questions. "So are you gonna be sleeping in my bed now? The couch has to get uncomfortable after a while." She looked to him curiously, dropping the potatoes into a pot. She tried to sound like it was offhanded, but she wanted him to sleep in her bed more than anything. She missed having someone to hold her at night. Sleeping alone was cold and lonely; she hated it. Besides, things were always harder at night
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