Forbidden Sins


Duncan had always been incredibly observant; content to sit in the background and watch rather than get involved, it was a rarity that things escaped his knowledge. It was why, although she had never said it out loud to him, he knew his slave felt for him. Just as he knew Lauren returned Audra's feelings. It was a fine mess they had all gotten into. The law was firm. It was okay to have slaves and to use them for carnal purposes, but to love slave? It was forbidden. Even if it wasn't written, it was a faux-pas. Then again, by killing the other vampire he had already implicated Audra in activities that could get her in trouble. It was a delicate balance, and anything as small as a slip of the tongue could send them all into trouble.

He sipped at the red liquid in the bottle and heaved a sigh. To change a human was allowed, but now that Lauren and Infinity had been branded as slaves, to change them would be breaking one of the most strictly enforced vampire laws there was. If he was to change Fin...they would need to leave here. He and Infinity as well as Lauren and Audra. It would implicate them too much to just leave them here with the backlash.

It would be a stretch, and he had yet to decide if that was what he wanted to do yet. He had always been fairly nomadic, so moving was of no consequence for him. He never laid roots anywhere, simply stayed for a little while until the mood struck and then he was gone again. There were very few people he stayed in contact with; the only reason Audra got such a priviledge was because she was his fledgling. She may be on her own, but she was still new enough that she needed his guidance sometimes, and he was more than pleased to give it.

Sighing, he rubbed his hands over his face and stepped away from the table, tossing the now-emptied bottle into the sink with a crash. It was growing late and all this thinking was going to keep him awake, he knew it. he needed to decide what to do. It looked like moving on was the best option, but he wanted to bide his time. He wasn't quite ready to move yet; it wasn't quite the right time, either. He would speak to Audra about it, but before he would pack everything up and take off, he wanted her to admit her feelings to Lauren. Otherwise there was no point in needless risks. Plus he just wanted to see what happened. It was better that way, he thought. He could assess the risks once he knew they were in it.

He leaned against the doorframe and peered in at Fin. He had sent her off to keep herself entertained for a while, keep her out of his hair. The girl was cross-legged on the couch, the TV on. He hadn't thought she was even capable of sitting so still and paying attention like that. For a long moment he just watched her sit, relishing the quiet. She was a beautiful girl, spunky too. Even from a slave, he liked it. Ones who obeyed immediately and wordlessly always made him feel like they were a bit mindless, incapable of thinking for themselves. He didn't want a robot in her. He had known it would take a while to teach her to behave, but his patience had paid off.

And maybe he held more affection for her than he let on.

"Infinity. It's getting late, turn the TV off and come to bed," He commanded her, nodding his head curtly. He was raised up right, brought up to never have a woman in his bed unless you were married, never use birth control and stop God from giving you the precious miracles that were children. His view on the world was a little more skeptical now, and although he had fornicated outside of marriage, he still held a lot of old-wordly values. He didn't understand casual sex, and although Fin was a beautiful girl, he refused to have her in his bed. Using a young woman in such a way when you were in a position of power was quite despicable. He would never be the man that forced a woman to sleep in his bed; it was akin to rape and he would never do such a thing.

He didn't check to see if she was following. Just turned and walked to his room, head filled with heavy thought.
♠ ♠ ♠
Duncan doesn't know what he wants <3
