Forbidden Sins


Duncan was a vampire with a lot of status. He had been alive for a long time, and over the years he had collected enough knowledge to be considered 'upperclass'. His dealings with people had taught him a few things, first and foremost that patience was key. He had once been a young man who was headstrong and violent, but he had learned that dealing with people like that led to nothing good. Calm, cool patience was much, much easier. Audra always called his patience unnatural, but he just liked the way she got mad about his lack of reaction when she tried to antagonize him.

The young redhead had a lot of potential, a lot of fire. He liked it. He had owned a lot of slaves over time, and had come to be quite affectionate with most of them. He knew his strength, and because of that he would never strike one of his slaves or inflict any kind of physical pain. It was abuse, plain and simple, abuse of power and abuse of another being who lived and breathed and felt, and he had always been brought up that that was wrong. It was wrong to kick a dog, and it was wrong to hurt a human.

Duncan looked at the man holding the leash. "Let's talk cash. How much do you want for her?"

The man looked over at the girl, then back at Duncan. "Five hundred even and she's yours, no strings attached."

Duncan was well aware that the man hadn't paid that much for the girl. He wasn't an idiot, he knew how much slaves went for, expecially virgin girls. "Okay. Five hundred it is." Tugging out his wallet, he counted out the bills. Over the centuries, he had gathered quite the little fortune. 500 dollars was chump change, and well worth the young girls life. He was sure that if he let the man take her home she wouldn't live out the week.

The man took the money and handed him the leash, disappearing into the crowd to find himself a new slave. Duncan had half a mind to kill him right there, but now was not the time. Instead he turned to the little red-haired girl. "Come here, love." He commanded softly, tugging on the leash until she stood right in front of him. He undid the collar and let that and the leash fall to the ground, cupping her face in his hands. "You're going to be good for me, alright? I won't hurt you. I'd hate to see you end up with scum like him. I'm not going to make you wear the leash, but I do expect you to behave yourself. We can talk when I bring you home." Calm and firm as always, he opted to lace his fingers with hers and hold her hand. He trusted that she wouldn't go anywhere, but even if she did, he would catch her before she was more than two steps away.

Guiding the girl along with him, he scanned the crowd. Now, where had Audra gone to? He would just leave without her, but he wanted to make sure she got home safe and sound. He may not be responsible for her anymore, but Audra was still his fledgling and he still cared for her. When he finally caught sight of her, she was heading in his direction tugging along a tall, tattooed man. He arched his eyebrows at her, thoroughly entertained. "So. I thought you disagreed with slavery and hated it when I brought you here?" he questioned.

Audra scowled. "Shut up, Duncan." She frowned. "I do disagree, and I do hate it when you bring me here. This is...this is different?"

Duncan smirked. "Uh huh." he said. He would be teasing her endlessly for this.
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Duncan is going to mock her mercilessly<3 and awwe, i love this story already
