Forbidden Sins


He was panicked when he couldn't find Infinity. They had taken her, They had fucking taken her. Taken her away. Goddamit, what was he going to do? He needed her. Lauren was looking like he was going to kill him, and it probably would have come to fistfights if Audra hadn't restrained him, whispering in his ear. Her voice was low, a little firm, and despite the fact that she was whispering, Duncan could hear her loud and clear. "Calm down. We'll find her. You know it, so just hold on a second, ok?"

Duncan rubbed a hand through his hair and scented the air. He could smell her human scent, the scents of the vampires and where it left off. He turned back to the other two. "You stay here." he said.

Audra opened her mouth to Argue but Lauren stepped forwards first, a bite to his voice. "If you think I'm going to fucking stay here, you're nuts. I'm not leaving you to look for my sister all by yourself, especially when it's all YOUR fault this happened."

Duncan growled. He didn't like being back talked, especially by someone who didn't understand. Lauren was still a baby vampire, he was loud. He wasn't good at what he did yet, but it looked like there was no way he would stay. Audra looked like she was going to side with him, and Duncan sighed heavily. "Fine. But you stay with Audra, and do your best to stay quiet."

With that he turned and made his way through the woods. Their scent trail wasn't hard to follow and he was willing to bet that they too were relatively fresh. Fresh as in less than a hundred years. They were sloppy, didn't cover their trail well. Audra moved along behind him, keeping an eye on Lauren, fingers placed on his shoulder.

"Duncan?" He turned around to hush her, but she was pointing off to an odd structure in the distance. How long had they been walking? Not long at all, less than fifteen minutes. They hadn't gone far. They wanted him to come and look for her. that set off alarm bells and he came to where Audra and Lauren stood, staring at the building with a solemn expression.

Lauren moved and Duncan laid a hand on his shoulder. 'Stay. This can't be it. There has to be more to it than this." Nothing was ever this easy.
♠ ♠ ♠
:O poor little Fin. Duncan, Audra and Lauren to the rescue?

EDIT: sorry guys, I put up the wrong title the first time, but I fixed it now! This was a chapter for Duncan.