Forbidden Sins


The testosterone was enough to make her feel sick. She could feel it rolling off of Duncan in big, annoyed waves although he hadn't really said anything. Lauren was a little more forward with that, and she really just wanted him to sit down and shut up. He was new, not as strong as the other vampires and she was so worried for him. She didn't want him to get knocked on his ass, she didn't know what she would do if he was hurt. She knew she couldn't hold him back, though. Infinity was his sister and she couldn't make him wait at the sidelines like he was child. She hoped he'd use his common sense.

At the sight of Magnus, an intense hatred flowed over her. So it was that sick bastard, she should have known that he was behind this. The rivalry between him and Duncan was intense, going back decades. It had sure been escalating a lot in the last few years, dragging her into it. It had become violent more than once, and she had seen the cruelty Magnus was capable of. Hissing, she positioned herself protectively in front of Lauren,

laying a hand on his stomach. her eyes slid to Duncan-- she could see the anger broiling in him as Magnus laughed. God she hated him, but she knew it was nothing compared to the hatred Duncan had, and what he was going to do when he got his hands on the other vampire. She noted his muscles tense and knew he was going to launch himself before he did it-- he pushed off his feet and at Magnus's throat in one swift movement and the air was filled with shrieks.

She did the only thing she could do, and that was defend herself and try to get to Fin. There were more vampires than she had thought there were, six or so. Duncan was doing his best to get to Magnus, decimating anyone in his path. She didn't think that she had ever seen him so furious. They came at her even as she was trying to get to Infinity, and she fought to the best of her ability, ducking fists and fangs. She lost sight of Lauren. Her heart started to hammer in her chest as she thought of a thousand awful scenarios, and she spun in a circle to see if she could see Lauren; that second of hesitation cost her a hard blow in the center of her face.

Her vision was spotted with light and she lashed out, dragging her nails down the center of his face. Somebody else was behind her and she was pushed to the ground, landing on her hands and knees. Somebody's boots came in contact with her ribs. She felt one crack and she made a pained sound, looking above her to see two rather burly vampires standing above her. She looked around for any escape, any way to get out of this. She felt her entire body bruising inch by inch as their boots came into contact with her harder and harder.

Then she saw it, just an inch or two from her hands-- a really big stick. Her reflexes were lightening fast as she gripped it, bringing it up hard into the first vampire's crotch. He moaned in pain and she kicked his legs out from under her, scrambling to her feet as she eyed down the other. "That's what I thought, fucker, you want me to do the same to you?" She spat a stream of blood down on the ground. She hurt everywhere, at least six of her ribs were smashed, but she didn't have the time to worry about it. Right now, she needed to concentrate on getting Fin back, even if she felt like she had just been run over by a Semi truck.

Her eyes darted around, looking for Lauren again. She hefted the stick over her shoulder and gripped it, glaring down the vampire in front of her. She wasn't sure how Duncan was doing, but the more Vamps she took out, the better.
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Fight scene! Poor Audra will be feelin' that in the morning