Status: CLOSED

Treat Me Right Or Get Hit

Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy.

Cleaning out my room is part of my "rehabilitation for being a bad girl" (as Brian and the rest of A7X calls it) that and Matts cousim,Megan, is staying in my room with me a week for a visit/holiday, as she lives in Las Vegas.

I've never met her before but I talked to her for a few seconds on Matt's msn after I hacked in to it.

"Matt!" I yelled or whatever you want to call it.

'Yes Hun?" He walks into my room.

"Whens Megan coming?"

"Not sure today or tomorrow I'm gonna text or call soon"

"Ok, also where are the guys" What? I may live with them technically, but i dont follow them.

He shifts his feet " Down stairs doing stuff as per usual" He smirks.

I laugh " OK, Can I hug you?"

Now its his turn to laugh " Of course, this is your first time actually asking for a hug , you never ever have to ask for a hug just give us one" he smiles.

"Nawww Hugz" We laugh then embrace in a hug. I like this change in me.

We let go and he goes down stairs to call Megan or something.

I change the sheets, throw away rubbish, vacuum ect. ect. I even found some old E (ecstasy), which may i add I flushed down the toilet.I have changed, OK OK of course I'm going to get high now and then, like a normal person!, fight bitches who talk shit, go to party's and hang with my "crew" or whatever you may call it.Maybe I have not changed that much but I'm going to whore myself around like I used to and I'm going to try (T-R-Y ,which is rare for me to do)to be nice to Brian.

I get pulled out of my "Humble" think trip by hellos and hi there's from downstairs.I guess Megans here, lets go meet this Megan.

Just as I step well jump the last step My name gets called by Brian.

"Jesse this is Megan, Megan this is Jesse" Brian introduces us. I look at her skeptically.We shake hands and hug, Let the fun begin.
♠ ♠ ♠
Her outft

Here you go megan =D dont worry you will be in 1-3 more chapters or so,dont worry jesse will be nice to her/you hahaa:), Meganators Account.
Im sorry this is short like my other updates though i say they are going to be long but there not i am sorry, i wrote this one down and it seemed like but when i type it its not a long as i think it is.
Heres a update, next update will be on my other story then this story ect.
Thanks for sticking with my stories peoplee
I really really do appreciate itt:)
<3 3leisha.

PS; Megan the puppy works now =D