My Marjorie,

The Letter.

My Marjorie,

My Marjorie is the prettiest girl I know. With eyes the color of rain and skin like snow. She’s got the biggest smile to match her big heart. Her lips were like sweet peaches from the finest of trees. You see, my Marjorie would never hurt a fly. It’s not in her nature. My Marjorie is the kind of person to give you the shirt off her back. That’s my Marjorie. I thanked God everyday for creating such a lovely creature, my French doll.

Your Marjorie is disgusting. She’s a sick and vile thing that will burn in hell. Your Marjorie will never be happy. She will always live in her own Hell, haunted by thoughts of my Marjorie. Keep your Marjorie. I don’t want her. I have memories of my Marjorie and that’s all I need.

Together we will dance, kiss, and laugh.

Goodbye Marjorie, I’ll see you.
♠ ♠ ♠
This story is based off the RP Dead Beat Robin Street. It died a while ago, and I've been missing it. To honor it, I've made a biography for my character Clarisse Everard and her relationship with the girl that made her kill herself.

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