My Marjorie,

The Rope.

I didn’t think any of this was going to happen, I didn’t expect to fall so madly in love that I’d be willing to stand at a mountain top and scream it to the world. The kisses, small noises, tiny hands, all of it. I never thought that it’d ever mean so much to me, that any of that would ever put me in so much trouble. That if I followed through with my feelings it’d ruin the one true friendship I had.

To be honest, I’m not sure how the whole getting picked on thing even started. I was a regular girl, I had parents, went to school like everybody else, I don’t know what went wrong. Out of nowhere Emily, who even as a child sported a cool hairstyle and baggy Pantera shirts, had made me her number one target. Why? I don’t know. I was never mean to her though. Was it because I was the weirdo French girl that could barely speak English? I mean, it’d make some sense, but the Lesbian jokes were ridiculous. I didn’t even have my first girl crush until my senior year!

You see my point. I’m not sure how I became their target or why they were so harsh with me. But, well, you see how well that has ended. Damn, I feel like such a poster child for Bullying, although I think the technical term would be harassment. Fucked me up real good, obviously.

I’m not even human anymore, I’m…

Jesus, what am I? I’m this thing that no one can see, except for myself. I can’t scream, yell, whisper, touch things, people. It scares the shit out of me. I can’t go any farther than my front porch without being flown back by some sort of wall. I don’t know, this whole thing is fucked up. All I remember was crying, crying so fucking hard that it felt like I was suffocating.


I remember that.

I remember the choking, trying my hardest to breathe because my breathing tube was cut off. Something itchy and raw was around my throat and cutting off my source for air. Jesus, I can feel it. I can fucking feel the rope! It’s getting tighter and tight-
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Yes I know this is a filler, but even from the beginning of this I'd planned chapters like these, weaving in and out of Clarisse's mind. Hope you guys don't mind I switched from third to first, it's only from these sort of chapters, the story will be in third, don't worry. Yes I know it's been a while but there has been a lot going on at home, I joined a couple contests, started my own, joined/started more stories, etc etc. I'm a busy bee.

Goodness, eight subscribers? That's awesome you guys! May I also point out my lovely new banner? It was made by Beast In Repose, I got third place in her Gore contest, third place, how cool is that?! Anyways, like this chapter? Want more of them? Drop a note, I love to hear what you all think.