Two Weeks

Chapter 2

We just stood there for a couple minutes taking in everything around us. Then my dad finally turned to open the back of the car to get my luggage. We each grabbed a bag and talked towards the porch. Before we reached it, a middle aged woman ran out of the house to greet us.

"Johnny? Johnny is that you? My have you changed!" exclaimed the woman while giving my father a hug.

He let's out a deep laugh. "Hello Martha! Well what has it been? Ten? Fifteen years?"

"It's been far too long that's for sure." Then she turned to look at me.

"Oh my my. Haven't you grown to be a beautiful young lady. You look just like your mother deary. I'm Martha Sursam and welcome to my home." She said before reaching to hug me.

I sighed into the hug. She smell like honey and flour. If she was who I was going to be living with the next couple of weeks, then maybe it won't be so bad.

"Well come on in! Calm, you must meet the rest of the family!" We followed her inside and left my stuff at the bottom of the stairs.

"Richard! Cole! Benny! They're here! Come down to see them!" Martha called into the seemingly empty house. I could heard footsteps above me and we walked in a simple living room with two couches sitting across from each other. Between them was what looked to be an antique coffee table. I sat on the couch that had my back to the door but looked out a window with a wonderful view. My father sat next to me while Martha sat on the other to wait for her family to appear.

After a few moments of silence I saw Martha's face light up at something behind me. I turned outside to see an older man that I assumed was Mr. Sursam and two younger boys. One looked to be around my age and let me just say, he was gorgeous. Not to sound like a boy obsessed girl or anything, which you'll find out I'm really not, but I think my heart sped up a bit just looking at him. He had brown hair that was messy as can be and these enchanting gray eyes that I couldn't stop looking at. There was a little boy next to him who looked around seven or so.

"Well Calm, this is my husband Richard ,and my two sons Cole and Benny", Martha explained.

"Hello everyone," I said with a small smile. This was an honest to goodness gorgeous family, and I felt so plain in comparison.

Richard had a very hard, stern look about him, and he seemed quiet. I'll try to say on his good side....

"Why isn't it Richy Rich!" my father joked as he made his way over to shake Richard's hand.

"Good to see you Johnny, how have you been?"

My father glanced at me. "Uh, I'm doing well, but I guess that brings us to why we're here."

Richard nodded his head and Martha gestured for us to sit.

"Now I know my wife called the other day to confirm this, but I just want to make sure it's alright. I'm not exactly asking something little like taking out the trash," my father told them.

Martha and Richard looked at each other for a moment before answering,"We know what we're doing Johnny. Trust us with your baby girl and I know you won't regret it."

The tension in the air was rather thick so Dad decided to lighten the mood. "So who are these strapping young men? My, this can't belittle Cole!"

Cole smiled a small smile and went to shake dad's hand. "Yes sir. it is. I can't say I remember you much though." Cole told my dad.

"Well I don't blame you! You were only about three or so the last time I had seen you," Dad said.

He knelt down and got To eye level with Benny. "By George, boy you look just like your father did when he was your age! How old are you now?"

Benny smiled a big smile and said, "I'm seven sir!"

Wow I hope I can fit in here, with sir this and sir that, I might not be what they expect. I'm going to try my hardest to make them proud though.

"Johnny would you like to stay for dinner?" asked Martha.

My dad looked at the time and shook his head. "You know I'd love too, but Vivian's at home making food for me and the boy."

They all nodded like they understood and stood up to let dad out. He turned to me to give me one last hug that I returned while listening to his instructions.

"Listen to these people Calm, you're going to learn a lot. Oh, and uh one more thing. No cell phone's, laptops, ipods, or electrical devices like that." dad informed me.

I widened my eyes before nodding and I pulled my cell phone and ipod out of my pockets. With one last look I handed them over. He looked at me expectantly and I responded with, "I left my laptop at home dad. You can even check."

He smiled and just said, " It's okay baby, I trust you. I love you! See you in two weeks!"

"I love you too dad!" I called out as he made his way towards the car. After a moment, he was driving down that dirt road once again.
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Hey guys! New chapter! YAY!!!!!! Well I have a couple more pages written out that I have to type up but I'm constantly writing it sooo yay!

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