One New Message

Chapter One

Message 1: 1/12/09

You have one new message.

Message one. Left today at 10:45 am:


You've left some stuff at my apartment."

Message 2: 1/12/09

You have one new message.

Message one. Left today at 1:27 pm:

"Well I'll come and get it when I can.

Unless it offends you to have my stuff around, in which case I'll come tonight."

Message 3: 1/12/09

You have one new message.

Message one. Left today at 3:59 pm:

"Do whatever you want. I don't particularly care.

I should be around about eight o'clock."

Message 4: 1/12/09

You have one new message.

Message one. Left today at 4:15 pm:

"Right. Whatever. Can you stop bothering me at work?

See you at eight."

Message 5: 3/12/09

You have one new message.

Message one. Left today at 9:56 am:


I think there's still some stuff of mine at yours.

I can't find my Black Flag shirt or my jeans with the Misfits patch. And I can't find a couple of books.

Can you have a look for them please?


Message 6: 4/12/09

You have one new message.

Message one. Left today at 7:30 pm:


I've had a look around and I found your shirt. I can't find anything else. Perhaps you're just so disorganised that you put them down and forgot where you put them?

If you really must, you can come and have a look around. At the same time you can bring my hat back!


Message 7: 4/12/09

You have one new message.

Message one. Left today at 5:17 pm:

"Whatever you want.

I'll bring it back and come get my stuff on Friday night."

Message 8: 8/12/09

You have two new messages.

Message one. Left today at 10:15 am:

“Gerard. Yeah I came by last night to bring your hat back and to have a look for my stuff but you weren’t there so I thought maybe I’d come by today at about three to look for my stuff instead. Let me know.”

End of message.

Message two. Left today at 12:48 pm:

“It’s me again. Can we make it five instead? I have to do something. Give me a call!

Don’t worry, I’ll bring your hat. I’ll remember because I’m reliable!”

Message 9: 8/12/09

You have one new message.

Message one. Left today at 1:35 pm:

“Yeah, sorry I wasn’t in last night! I had a hot date. Didn’t get back until late! My bad.

Yeah come over if you must. And I’ll hold you to the hat thing!”

Message 10: 8/12/09

You have one new message.

Message one. Left today at 2:00 pm:

"Your sex life doesn't interest me at all."

Message 11: 8/12/09

You have one new message.

Message one. Left today at 4:48 pm:

"Yet you feel the need to tell me my sex life doesn't interest you?"

Message 12: 9/12/09

You have one new message.

Message one. Left today at 7:18 pm:

"Yes, Gerard.

To tell you that you and your sex life are of no interest to me. Is that really so hard for you to understand?

I don't care who you shack up with any more. And it's not my place to care.

And I'm sorry I forgot to bring your hat."
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Part one of two! Likey?