One Shot.

One shot is all she needed

She is sick of getting yelled at, sick of doing everything for Them and getting nothing in return.

Them: her so called family, they don’t treat her like family more like dirt, no, worse then dirt. She is no Cinderella. At least she had a happy ending, but that’s not for her.

She has finally had enough, she is leaving all of this. Her life, friends, and a room to sleep in. All because of them. She has no where to go but that’s not stopping her this time, she doesn’t need a place for to long. Not with what she plans on doing, not where she is going.

She walks out the door, out into the cool October air. She will never forget this, for it is her last. She leaves her cell phone home, there is no need to call anyone. All she takes with her is her ipod, a note and her single caliber gun. She looks up at the sky and wonders why? Why she was punished, what did she do to deserve this life?

She continued to the road, she needs no map, she has memorized the way. But she still takes her time knowing this will be it, the end. She finds the abandoned warehouse faster then she wanted. She doesn’t care anymore, the sooner the better.

She rereads the folded letter:

Dear, …

I don’t know why I’m writing this, by the time anyone realizes I’m gone ill be six feet under. You never cared and never will, why waste your love on me right?
Well I figured I’d make it a little easier on you. I’m sorry to my friends its not your fault, I hope to see you if I make it up there,
Good Bye and Fair Well

With that she loaded the gun. One shot was all she needed. The last thing she said was a prayer

Dear God,
Please make it fast and easy, let me see you soon

With that she put the gun to her head and pulled the trigger.


She fell to the floor, last breath gone,
She dies with a smile on her face, because god had finally answered her prayers.

She was now free.