Sweet Child of Mine

Place at Home

"Do you mind if I sleep over?" Amy asks eagerly after a pleasant dinner.
"I have no problem with it, but you better call your mother." I say as I help Adie take the dishes to the kitchen.
"Okay." She says pulling out her cell phone. "Hey Mom.... I'm sleeping over at Dad's... They're really nice... Okay I'll see you tomorrow."
"You can choose one of the guest rooms to be your own." Adie says in a friendly voice.
"Thanks." Amy says taking her plate to the kitchen.
"Here, I'll show you." Adie says leading her towards the bedrooms.
"Hey Dad, is Amy going to live with us now?" Jakob asks.
"I don't think so, she'll just sleep over some times." I say putting the remaining dishes in the dishwasher.
"So it's like when Ramona comes to stay with Tre?"
"Yeah, except hopefully she'll visit more often than Ramona." I say messing up his hair, "Do have a problem with that."
"She's not going to try to put make-up on me will she?" he asks worriedly.
"No." I say laughing.
"Because that's what Brandon's sister does to him." he whispers.
"I'll make sure she doesn't." I say laughing.
"Thanks." He says as he runs off to the family room.

I make my way upstairs to see what Adie and Amy are up to. I see a light coming from one of the guest rooms.
"How's it going?" I ask opening the door.
"Good," Adie says, "She's chosen a room."
"Why this one?" I ask.
"The green walls." Amy says happily.
"Ahh okay, not a fan of yellow and blue rooms." I say laughing.
"It's beige not yellow." Adie says rolling her eyes.
"Feel free to move stuff around, put up posters and stuff." I say looking at the bare walls.
"Oh uh thanks." She says happily.
"I'll take you shopping, for stuff for your room one of these days." Adie offers.
"I'd like that." Amy says as we walk back to the family room.


"Are you ready to go?" I call out to Amy after breakfast.
"Yeah." She says coming down the stairs with her bag on her back and guitar case in hand. I take the guitar case from her and walk her to the car.

"Is your mom going to be home?" I ask as we drive down the street.
"Yeah, she doesn't work on Sundays." She says casually.
"Okay, because I want to talk to the both of you about this whole situation." I say turning a corner.
"Uh, okay." She says nervously.
"Don't worry, nothing's wrong." I say calmly.
"Okay." She says quietly.

We drive up to her house and I see Erin sitting on the front porch with a cup of coffee in her hands.
"Hey." She calls out to us as we step out of the car.
"Hey." Amy and I say at about the same time. "Can I talk to you?"
"Sure." Erin says motioning for me to sit next to her.
"I would like to be a part of Amanda's life."
"Okay." She says slowly. "So you want visitation rights?"
"Yeah, I'll also pay child support and..." she cuts me off.
"I don't want your money."
"Then you can put it in her college fund or to buy her a car or something." I say running my hands through my hair.
"Well it's up to Amy."
"I want to keep hanging out with Dad and his family." She says shyly.
"Then it's settled." Erin says taking a sip of coffee.
"But I don't want to be restricted to every second weekend."
"Sure you can come and go as you please." I say shrugging.
"Thank you." she says hugging me.


"I'm going shopping with Amanda today." Adie says at the breakfast table after a couple weeks of Amy living with us on and off.
"We don't have to come, right?" Jake says quickly, he hates shopping more than anything else.
"No, it's just a girl's day." Adie says rolling her eyes.
"That's nice." I say chuckling. "What are you shopping for?"
"Stuff for her room and if we have time new clothes."
"Don't over do it with the clothes, I don't want Erin thinking that we're trying to out-spoil her."
"I'll keep that in mind." Adie says nodding. "I have to get going now."
"So do you want to have a guy's day?" I ask laughing.
"We won't have to shopping, will we?" Jakob asks nervously.
"No, we can go see a movie or something."
"Oh, are you asking us out on a date." Joey asks laughing.
"Yes, since the moment I laid eyes on you, you're all I can ever think about." I say laughing.
"Incest Queer!" Joey yelps.
"Fine then what do you suggest we do today?" I ask rolling my eyes.
"Movie sound lovely." Jakob says in a girly voice. "Let's see Pirate's of the Caribbean two."
"EW! Pretty boy Orlando Bloom!" Joey yells laughing.
"Not to mention heart throb Johnny Depp." I say laughing.

We leave at around noon and grab some really greasy fast food before heading to the cinema.
"Three for Pirates of the Caribbean." I say to the person in the ticket booth.
"What so we're actually seeing that pretty boy movie?" Joey asks.
"Too late now, I already bought the tickets." I mock, "Come on it won't be so bad there's that Kiera girl in it."
"Yeah, guess so." Joey says rolling his eyes.
"And there's zombies and sword fights and..." Jakob rambles.
"Yeah, yeah." Joey mumbles as we walk into the cinema.

We get home from the cinema at about the same time as Adie and Amanda.
"Hello ladies." I say helping them with their bags. "Have fun?"
"Yup." Amy says happily.
"Little rock star in the making here." Adie says grinning.
"What? Really?" I ask laughing.
"Yeah." Adie says laughing. "She told me all about her band."
"What about it?"
"Why don't you ask her yourself?" Adie suggests in a mocking tone. "So what did you guys do today."
"We went to see a movie." Jakob blurts out as he runs into the house after Amy and Joey.
"Which movie?"
"Pirates of the Caribbean." I say shrugging.
"Was it good?"
"Not as good as the first."

I walk up to Amy's room where she's putting up her new posters.
"Need any help?" I ask.
"Yeah, can you hold up this end of the poster?" she asks unrolling a Clash poster.
"You like The Clash?"
"What other bands?"
"Uh the Ramones, Sex Pistols, Good Charlotte, well yeah I can just go on and on the list is so long." She rambles.
"So punk rock?" I ask laughing.
"Yeah, anything that's explosive on guitar." She says laughing.
"I know what you mean." I say as we tape up the poster. "So are these all the posters?"
"Yup." She says looking at the poster covered room.
"I see you got a new CD player too."
"Yeah." She says happily.
"Well enjoy your room." I say walking out.