Sweet Child of Mine

Just a Regular Dad

"You played well." Adie says hugging Amy. "Is your band coming over?"
"Yeah, they should be here soon." Amy says shrugging.
"You played so good we could give your band a record deal." I say laughing.
"No, I'd rather make it on my own."
"I respect that." I say proudly as the door bell rings.
"Is that them?" Adie asks as she walks over to the door.

"These kids are great!" Tre exclaims as he walks in with his arm over Skid.
"We really are." Skid says laughing. They are followed by Markey, Mike and Estelle.
"Wait, where's Frankito?" Tre asks looking around.
"He's asleep in the guest room next to Jakob's." Adie says casually as she goes to sit next to Brittney. The after party goes well, music blasting and music wisdom being passed from us Green Dayers to the Tungsteners.

"Did you have fun yesterday?" I ask Amy the next morning.
"I had a blast! Pretty good for our first show." She says happily.
"Wait, wait, wait. That was your first show?" I ask in disbelief.
"Well sort of, we've played in church basements and stuff like that but nothing with such an audience." She says shrugging.
"But you were bursting with confidence! Where did all that come from?"
"I don't know, I just did what came naturally." She says shrugging.
"By the way, I think that Markey likes you." I say shrugging.
"No, we're just friends."
"Don't think so, I've been just friends with girls and the way he was talking was not just friends." I mutter.
"Dad, there's nothing going on between us." Amy reassures me.
"I'm just saying, Skid talked about you like you were just friends and Markey talked like he wanted more."
"Whatever." She says rolling her eyes.

I get home one day after one of my own band practices to find Amy and Markey sitting on the couch watching television.
"Hey Dad." She says casually. "I hope you don't mind, I invited Markey over, Adie said it was okay."
"Yeah, that's fine. You don't even have to ask." I say as I make my way to the back patio where Adie is sitting.
"Hey." She says as I take a seat next to her.
"So her and Markey are just friends?"
"Listen to yourself," she says laughing, "You're paranoid."
"No I'm not, I'm just sort of worried about what happened with her last boyfriend."
"That's being paranoid." Adie teases. "And even if they are an item what would you do?"
"I don't know." I say as I take a cigarette out of my pocket and light it.
"Smoking again?" Adie says as she looks up at me.
"Uh yeah." I say looking down at the cigarette; I went a week without one. I wasn't trying to quit it's just some weeks I need it more than others.
"So how did band practice go? Is there another album in your future?"
"Maybe, we started working on few new songs." I say shrugging.

"We're going out for a bite." Amy says from the back door.
"Okay." I say as she and Markey disappear. "Still think they're not an item?"
"Jeez, have you never had a friend who was a girl as a teenager?" Adie says rolling her eyes.
"Nope, remember we started off as just friends." I say raising my eyebrows.
"Hey, I'm the one who kissed you." Adie teases.
"Shut-up." I say laughing, "Before you I became friends with girls for other reasons besides a buddy."
"Yeah, well if they are going out let them be, you don't want to be one of those father's who no man is good enough for his daughter."
"What? You mean like your dad." I teased.
"Hey, hey you're the one that came to the house in ripped clothing. Markey wears clean clothes."
"Yeah well, I don't want her dating a guy in a band. Band guys are a bad batch; I should know I'm one of them."
"Well she's a band chick, remember that." Adie teases.
"I rather not think of that." I mutter.
"Awe come on, they're good kids." Adie says putting her arm over my shoulders.
"Yeah you're right, but I still want to bug her about it." I say laughing.
"Just don't embarrass her." Adie says laughing.