Status: Active

I've Been Walking These Streets For Days

I Want To Thank You For Giving Me Time To Breath

Cadence hasn't said one word all day since we came back home from shopping. I'm starting to get concerned. I can't possibly imagine what's going through his mind right now. He looks so confused, sad and scared. I don't like it one bit. As soon as we got back into the house he ran into the house and locked himself in his room. My parents didn't know what was going on so I filled them in. They were just as shocked as I was and didn't know what to think. I wanted to comfort Cadence our just be with him, but I know he needs to be alone right now so he can think. But I really want to be with him right now. At least just to tell him that things will be okay, even if I don't know if they will be. Cadence will always have me though and I will always try to pick up the pieces.

I sighed as I twirled the spaghetti on my plate around with my fork. I was sitting at the dinner table with my mom and Daniel, none of us were speaking because we didn't know what to say.

“Gavin sweet at least try to eat something.” My mom said looking at me concerned. I’ve been so worried about Cadence that I haven’t eatten all day, and I’ll admit I was hungry but I just couldn’t bring myself to eat.

“I’m not hungry.” I mumbled but my stomach started to growl proving my statement wrong. “Damn it” I growled before poking my stomach in annoyance. My mom signed and started to make another plate.

“Here.” She said handing it to me. I eyed her confused. “Go bring that upstairs to Cadence and try to get him to eat. You two can eat upstairs.” I nodded and without saying anything picked up our plates and started walking towards the stairs. When I actually made it up the stairs I stood in front of Cadence’s door for what was probably about five minutes. I was biting my lip so hard I was starting to draw blood. I wanted to knock on the door but I didn’t have the slightest clue as to what I wanted to say.

Right when I placed my fist to the door to knock it flew open and Cadence stood in the doorway looking down at me confused. We just stared at each other for what felt like an hour neither of us saying anything. I tried so hard to read his expression but I couldn’t figure out what was going through his mind. Beginning to find the silence unbearable I decided to speak up.

“Um…I brought you food. I-I f-figured y-you’d be hun-hungry bec-because you haven’t eatten a-all day.” I stuttered holding one of the plates out to him. He took one of them and continued to just look at me. I started to bite my lip again, tasting the familiar metallic taste of my blood on my tongue. Cadence frowned and grabbed my free hand before dragging me into his room. He placed his plate on the floor next to his mattress and took my plate and did the same thing. Cadence guided me onto his bed and I sat down and he followed suit.

“Gavin you really need to stop biting your lip. You’re lip is starting to bleed pretty bad.” Was the first thing he said to me as he took his hoodie sleeve and wiped my mouth.

“Don’t do that you’re going to get blood on it.”

“Gavin my hoodie is black it won’t matter.”

“I’m s-sorry.” Cadence rolled his eyes.

“You have nothing to be sorry for Gavin.”

“Are you o-okay?” I asked wanting to get to the point of why I came up here instead of going around the subject. Once again Cadence became silent and started to look at everything but me.

“I called them.”

“A-and wh-what did y-you s-say?”

“I agreed to meet with them.”


“I want you to come with me.”


“I can’t do this alone Gavin. I need you to come with me.”

“Oh okay if you want me to.” Cadence pulled me into his chest and hugged me tightly.

“You’re the best you know that right?” He said burying his face in my hair. “I really couldn’t do any of this without you, and I honestly don’t know where I would be. You really are an amazing friend and person Gavin.”

Though I was extremely happy Cadence was saying all of this to me, I couldn’t help but be slightly sad.

You really are an amazing friend.

Is that seriously all that we are? I know my feelings for Cadence are so much more then just friends. Everytime I’m around him I feel like everything negative has disapeared. His smile always makes my light headed and when his skin touches mine its almost like my whole body catches on fire and butterflies are fiercely attacking my stomach. I really like Cadence and with every passing day it turns into more. It just sucks knowing that he doesn’t feel them same.

I mean why would Cadence want me anyway? I’m tiny, I stutter like an idiot, I’m extremely shy, I’m not the least bit attractive. There is no way that Cadence would want me. Cadence is like the image of perfection. He’s caring and protective, everything he says is clear and understandable. He’s beyond attractive. I could go on and on about how amazing Cadence is but it still doesn’t make a difference, there is just no way he would ever want somebody like me.

“Hey Gavin what’s wrong?”


“You’re blanking out and there’s a pout on your face. So what’s up?”

“Oh it’s nothing. I’m just wondering if you’re going to be okay, when you see you’re parent’s again.” Cadence smiled a real smile for the first time today and wrapped his arm around my shoulder, making me lean into his chest.

“Ah Gavy don’t you worry about me. I’m trooper I can tought it up and do it. And since I’ll have you by my side it will be easier.” I couldn’t help but start to blush, everything Cadence says to me is sweet and manages to brighten my moods.

“When are we g-going to s-see them?”

“Well they said they wanted me to come by the house on Saturday so in two days.”

“Oh okay.” Cadence started laughing and I stared at him in confusion.

“You do realize that you start school next week right?” Ah shit I had completely forgot that I still had to go to school. I didn’t want to, I just wanted to hang around Cadence all the time. I’m absolutely terrible at meeting new people.

“Damn it.” I mumbled.

“Aw don’t worry about it, it will be fine. It’s your senior year you’ll be out sooner then you think.”

“B-but what a-are you going to do when I’m s-school? You’ll be h-here all by yo-yourself.”

“I’ll look for a job, and make sure the house is clean. I’m not going to live here for free. I already feel like I’m mooching off you and you’re family because you guys have done some much for me. I swear I’m going to pay you guys back for everything.”

“Y-you d-don’t h-have t-to.”

“But I want to. You deserve it.”

“W-what ever y-you s-say.” Cadence laughed and lied down on the mattress taking me down with him.

“You know it really is adorable when you stutter.” He stated and I buried my face in his chest out of embrassement.

“S-shut u-up.”

“What? It really is.”

“W-whatever.” Cadence just continued to laugh at me and snuggled more into the mattress.

“I’m really glad I met you Gavin.” I’m pretty sure my face was the color of a fire truck by now from the amount of blushing I was doing.

“I-I’m glad I m-met y-you t-too C-Cadence.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Title Credit: What A Girl Wants- Christina Aguilera

So... I graduated high school on Sunday wicked excited about that. But is it sad that I was more excited that I saw Asking Alexandria and We Came As Romans on Monday? Ah that show was amazing. I was only in the mosh pit for 10 seconds and I almost lost both of my shoes ha! But when the lead singer of Asking Alexandria Danny Warsnop took his shirt off you better believe I was the girl screaming the loudest... so sexy

It Was Just A Joke my newest short story.