Status: Active

I've Been Walking These Streets For Days

Slip Out the Back Before They Knew You Were There

We had left shortly after Cadence's parents request. So many thoughts were running through my mind I didn't know what to think or what to say. I rubbed my temples as Cadence started driving back to the house, a headache was starting to form. I just want what's best for Cadence. I mean his parents kicked him out because he's gay, he came to us and we took him in. And all the sudden they've changed and they want him to move back in with them. I know it completely selfish but I want him to stay with me, I know we haven't known each other that long but I feel like he's one of my closest friends. I really like Cadence and I've become so used to him being around that I don't want to think about what it would be like if he wasn't there anymore. As much as I want to keep him around the decision is his alone, and I may or may not like the decision.

I jumped in my seat as Cadence sighed loudly breaking the awkward silence between us in the car. I bite my lip and stared out the window and tried to avoid looking at him. I felt like I was going to cry Cadence might be leaving me, I couldn't help it.

"Gavin you haven't said anything since we left, are you going to say anything?"

"Wh-what do y-you wa-want me t-to sa-say?"

"I don't know Gavin anything." He said to me with slight annoyance in his voice.

"A-are you m-mad a-at m-me?"

"No, no Gavin I'm not mad at you, I'm just fustrated and confused. I don't really know what to do. I do want to believe in my parents. They weren't always the best parents, but they were still my parents none the less. I want to believe that they changed." Cadence stopped talking all of the sudden and started focusing on the road. I wanted to say something to him but I wasn't sure what to say. I bite my lip more and started fumbling with my shirt. I hated the fact that I was never able to comfort able anyone, I sucked at it.

I started to stare out the window and look at all the trees as they blurred past me. Cadence was speeding down the road and before I knew it we were back at the house. Cadence stomped on the brakes fast and I jerked forward in my seat and my seatbelt yanked me back. He climbed out of the car extremely fast and slammed the door after, I unbuckled my seat belt and tried catching up to him but he was already in the house by the time I shut the car door. I took a deep breath and I started to feel stressed and continued to walk to the house. When I walked into the house my mom and Daniel were both in the main hallway giving me concerned looks.

“Gavin sweetie what happened?” My mom asked me before wrapping me up in a hug.

“They want him to move back in with them.” I mumbled into her shirt.


“Yeah, and he doesn’t know what to do.”
“You know Cadence is still welcome to live with us if he wants to.”

“I know, I just hope he stays with us. I mean I know they are his parents and all but he’s the only friend I’ve made so far.”

“Sweetie you can make other friends when you start school.” I looked up at her and frowned. “I’m not saying that you should get over Cadence Gavin, In just saying even if Cadence moves back with his parents he will still see you. I can tell he’s not the type of person that will forgot about somebody. You two will still be friends even if he moves.”

“I know.”

“You should try and talk to him, he just ran up stairs to his room when he got here.” My mom kissed my forehead before letting go of me. I started walking up the stairs at a slow pace. I didn’t know what I wanted to say to Cadence. I wanted to comfort him but I didn’t have the slighest clue how I could. I figured that I would suck it up and just say whatever comes to my mind. When I finally reached his door, I paused for a few moments before I knocked on his door.

“C-Cadence?” I asked before knocking on the door. “Cadence c-can I come in?” I didn’t get a response so I knocked again. I still didn’t get a reply. I know that he’s upset but he doesn’t have to ignore me. “C-Cadence can y-you at least say s-something?” I asked before knocking again. He still didn’t respond, I was starting to get furstrated and I knocked again. “Damn it Cadence open the door!” I shouted, before twisting the doorknob.

When I opened the door I gasped Cadence wasn’t anywhere in sight. I looked around and realized he wasn’t in here. I walked to his window and noticed the breeze blowing the curtains. He window was wide open, I was guessing that he left out the window. I looked out the window before I stepped out into the roof of the first floor. It was getting dark outside and I couldn’t really see anything.

“Cadence? Are you out here?” I asked and still didn’t get a response. I squinted my eyes and looked out towards the woods and noticed the path. Cadence must have climbed off the roof and walked down the path. I looked over the ledge of the roof and realized that I wasn’t that far up from the ground. I made sure that my cellphone was in my pocket before I sat down and turned on my stomach before slowly sliding off the roof and landed on the ground.

I regained my footing and stuffed my hands in my pockets before walking down the path. I was going to find Cadence and make him talk to me. I know he thinks he’s strong and can do everything by himself but he’s my friend and I want to at least try to comfort him. I just hate that he keeps running away from me and not telling me how he feels.
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Title Credit: Slip Out The Back- Fort Minor

Sorry its so short.