Status: Active

I've Been Walking These Streets For Days

Don't Be

I run into my tent and collapse on my sleeping bag that I left in here. I wipe away the few tears that managed fall from my eyes.

"Cadence?" I faintly hear.

I roll my eyes and smile to myself. Of course Gavin would come out here and find me. He's always so caring...

"Cadence?" Gavin says again, this time right in front of my tent.

I smile softly at him and sit up. "Hi," I whisper.

Gavin smiles at me and sits down on some of the sleeping bag. "Hi," he says. "I was... looking for you..."

I laugh quietly. "I know. And now I suppose you want to talk to me about something?"

Gavin blushes and smiles at me. "Yeah, I do. Uhm, I wanted to talk to you about you parents... Like the whole moving in thing..."

I looked down at my hands. "I... I don't know what to do, Gavin."

Gavin nods. "I figured you would be confused about it. Just- know that my door is always open, all right?"

I smile at him. "Yeah. Thanks." He nods and look down at his hands.

Suddenly, he leans over, wraps his hands around my neck, and crashes his lips to mine.

I gasp. Getting over the shock that Gavin is, in fact, kissing me, I grip his hips and kiss back.

Gavin slowly pushes me away. "I-I'm sorry. I-I d-don't know w-what came over m-me."

I stare off into space, my mouth gaping open. "Uh..."

"I-I'm sorry," he says again, rushing out of the tent.

After a minute I realize that Gavin just ran away, so I jump up and race after him. I finally find him his room, and I thank God that he wasn't mauled by a bear or something.

"H-Hey, Gavin," I say.

He looks up at me, eyes wide and cheeks red. "I'm sorry," he says softly.

I walk over to him and kneel in front. "Don't be sorry," I say.

He slowly looks up at me and gives me the smallest of smiles.



The next morning, I go back out to wear my tent is, and pack everything up. When I'm done, I take it back to Gavin's house and set it in their living room. I sigh, staring at my stuff.

"W-What are you doing?" I hear Gavin say softly.

I look back up at him and frown at his heart broken expression.

"I just thought I'd pack my stuff now instead of last minute."

"P-Pack? Y-You're leaving?" he says, shocked.

I sigh. "Yes. I'm leaving. Don't take it personally, Gavin. I just... I just think it's the right thing to do."

I look back up at him. He looks like he's about to cry. He runs back upstairs.

His mom comes downstairs just as he runs up.

"What did you do to my son?!" she yells.

"Nothing, I swear! I just told him I thought it was the right thing to move back in with my parents!"

She grumbles to herself. "Go talk him."

I nod and jog upstairs. When I approach his bedroom door, I hear heart-wrenching sobs. I frown and open the door.

"Go away!" he screams.


"Cadence, just leave! I know you don't want to be here! Just leave already!"

"I'm not leaving just yet."

He looks up at me, his eyes red and puffy. "I get it, Cadence. You don't want to stay here anymore. I get it. You can leave, Cadence."

I sigh and kneel down in front of him. "Gavin..." I say. "I'm not leaving you, Gavin. I'm just doing what I think is right. I'll come see you all the time, okay? Please don't cry."

Gavin hiccups and wipes away tears. "I don't want you to leave..." he whispers.

"I'm sorry, Gavin."

He glances up at me and captures my lips with his once again. Without a second thought a kiss back. He pulls away after a few minutes.

"Don't be sorry."
♠ ♠ ♠
Ehhhh. \: