Status: Active

I've Been Walking These Streets For Days

Went Back Home Again

My head was pressed against the window, lightly bumming back and forth as the car continued to move forward. I shut my eyes and tried to block out the tunes from the random radio station my mother was playing. The music she was playing was annoying the shit out of me and I was forming a headache. I couldn’t wait to get out of this damn car.

“Gavin sweetie say something. We’ve been in this car for about an hour and you haven’t said a word.” My mother’s voice came into my thoughts and I remained silent. She sighed. “Look I’m sorry we moved so suddenly, but we’re only moving about three hours away, it’s not that bad.” Yeah my mom had got remarried, that’s why we were moving. It was a fresh start…well that’s what she’s calling it. I didn’t really care that we were moving. I didn’t have many friends. Really I only had one and that was Randy and we didn’t see each other that often anyway.

“Honey I think Gavin just doesn’t want to be tortured with the music we’re listening to.” My step-dad Daniel said laughing. The corners of my mouth slanted upwards but it wasn’t noticeable. Most kids don’t really like the idea of their parents getting remarried but I didn’t mind. I liked Daniel; he was ten times better then my dad who couldn’t ‘handle me’.

My mom gasped in shock “Country music is good.”

“Yeah but neither Gavin nor I want to hear it.” I watched my mother roll her eyes and focus on her driving.

“Sure whatever. Well one of you pick something else to listen to.”

“Short stack you can choose.” Daniel said looking back at me. I rolled my eyes but smiled at my nickname, yeah I was short and I liked it too. I pulled out never shout never from my bag and handed the CD to Daniel. He winked at me before putting it in the CD player. I rested my feet up on the empty spot in the backseat and started to relax as the music played.

“Trust me Gavy this move is going to be good for us. You can breakout of that shyness of yours and make new friends.” She started to giggle. “Or you can meet a good looking boy.” My cheeks caught fire as I started blushing.

“Mom!” I whined, gosh did that woman love taunting me. Daniel just laughed. Even though she was teasing I couldn’t help but smile and be thankful. I was just glad that my mom accepted the fact that I was gay. I was also glad that she had found Daniel. My father had packed his shit and left the day I said I liked boys when I was ten. He couldn’t handle the fact that I was gay. I didn’t understand why he had left then, but who needs him. Daniel is like my father. I sometimes call him dad. I didn’t care that my real dad had left. My mom and Daniel accepted me and that’s all that mattered to me.

I looked down at my lap. My eyes traveled down my black skinny jeans and to the red converses that covered my feet. I smiled thinking of the day I got them and of the drop dead gorgeous boy that sold them to me. It’s been a little over a year and his face is still imbedded in my mind. But I can’t remember his name. What was it Cody? Cal? Or maybe it was Katiewait. What person in their right mind would name their son Katie? I shook my head at my stupid thoughts. All I knew was that his name started with a K sound. Or maybe it was Cadence? It would fit. A beautiful name for a beautiful boy. I didn’t think into it much as I felt my eyelids start to get heavy and I started to fall asleep.


“Short Stack wake up we’re here.” Daniel said shaking me awake. My eyes fluttered open and I yawned. I tried stretching but was restricted by my seatbelt. I took it off and climbed out of the car. I stretched properly and my hands fell back down to my sides making a slapping noise. I looked up at the cabin in front of me slightly frowning. It wasn’t bad it just looked boring. I turned around and looked out at the lake. The sun was starting to set making the water appear to have a light pink tint. It was beautiful. I squinted my eyes. On the other side of the lake I saw something. It was far away so I couldn’t really make out what it was, but I’m pretty sure it was a tent.

“So does the cabin get the Gavin seal of approval?” I looked away from the lake and turned around to face my mom who had an anxious expression on her face.

“It looks like it hasn’t been used for years.” I stated.

“You’re such a smartass.” My mom laughed shaking her head. “Come on let’s go inside you can pick out your room. The movers already brought our stuff in. Your car is coming tomorrow.” My mom informed me as she opened the door. I won’t lie once this place was cleaned up and redecorated I knew I was going to love it. It just seems like it was going to be comfy. We even have a fireplace. Then again shouldn’t all cabins have fireplaces?

Dropping my bag to the floor I ran around the first level. Then I ran up the stairs. I ran through all the rooms and found the one I wanted. It was at the end of the hallway. It wasn’t too big or too small. The walls were a dim boring light blue color but I could paint that later. I walked towards my window and looked out. I liked the view; it made me feel like I was in some kind of nature documentary. My room was right in front of the woods. The trees were insanely tall and I could see the outlines of a trail. I’m assuming that it leads to the other side of the lake.

Speaking of the other side of the lake, I was extremely curious as to if I really had seen a tent or if my imagination was running wild. I walked back down stairs and walked in on Daniel and my mom unpacking boxes. I walked over to my bag and pulled out my purple hoodie, I was starting to feel chilly. I slipped it on and sighed in relief feeling warm.

“Mom do you mind if I go walk around and explore the woods?” She seemed hesitant at first.

“I don’t know Gavin it’s starting to get dark out and I don’t want you getting lost.”

“I’ll be fine I have my cell phone.”

“Hey I just found a flashlight!” Daniel randomly stated. “And it works.”

“I could use that flashlight if it gets to dark out.” I started pouting. “Please?”

“Fine.” She huffed. Daniel handed me the flashlight. “Just don’t be out too late. Daniel and I were about to find a grocery store so we will be out. We won’t be out for long though.” She reached into her pocket and pulled out a key and a small piece of paper. “Here’s the key and the security code to the house.” She kissed my forehead. “Stupid pouty face.” My mother mumbled under her breath and I laughed before bounding out the door. I am such a spoiled mama’s boy. I walked around the house and towards the trail in the back. I was on a hunt for a tent!


Well this officially sucks.

I’ve walking around for at least an hour and a half and the sun has completely set, leaving it dark. And to top it off I’m lost. Fuck my life. This was a very stupid idea from the beginning. Why was I trying to find this tent in the first place? Thinking about it now it’s kind of sketchy that there is a random tent on the other side of the lake.Scratch that: its really sketchy. I don’t know what I was thinking. I don’t know who could be in that tent. It could be a hermit or one of those psycho killers like the ones in the movies.

Maybe I should call my mom and tell her I’m lost? But I don’t want to hear her say ‘I told you so’. I was willing to hear it now if it would get me the hell out of here. I pulled out my phone and growled. I have no damn signal. Someone is seriously trying to punish me. I turned my flashlight on and scanned the area. Nothing but trees, trees and more damn trees.

I walked foreword some more and looked up wanting to yell. I was on the opposite side of the lake. I was looking at the cabin. I continued walking to see if I could get a signal. I waved my phone all around me to see if I could get a signal. I probably looked stupid. All I’m asking for is a bar. One freaking bar! Is that so hard to ask for? Apparently my phone thinks so.

Of coarse I wasn’t looking where I was going and I tripped. I fell flat on my face; my phone went flying out of my hand. I groaned but lifted myself up. I scraped my chin. I saw the light glow from my phone. I walked over to it and picked it up. I heard something crumble beneath me and I looked down at the snickers wrapper I had stepped on. Why is there a random snickers wrapper out here? Furrowing my eyebrows I looked up and that’s when I noticed it.

The tent.

I was slightly proud that I had found what I was looking for but that soon faded when I heard a twig snap. Someone else was here. I frantically looked all around me. The flashlight was starting to fade and I smacked it in attempt to get it to work. It just shut off. Stupid worthless piece of shit. My heart was racing and I was scared shitless.

“W-wh-who’s t-th-there?” I stuttered out. I looked around me frantically and started backing up. I eventually hit the back of a tree. Great I just cornered myself. Nice going Gavin. Note the sarcasm.

I can’t die yet, there are so many things I haven’t done yet! I never got a tattoo or my lip pierced; I never went skydiving. Not that I would actually do it but still I haven’t done it! I’ve never had sex before. Oh hell who am I kidding I’ve never even had a boyfriend before and I’m almost eighteen! I heard the crunching of leaves and knew someone was coming closer to me. I was paralyzed with fear. I’m to young to die god damn it!

I swear I saw my life flash before my eyes when I felt a hand grip my shoulder.

♠ ♠ ♠
1,866 words

This is Gavin

Ooh who's got Gavin? You already know but Gavin doesn't =p

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