Status: Active

I've Been Walking These Streets For Days

I'm Gunna Meet You

"PLEASE DON"T KILL ME!" The boy screams.

"Relax." I say. "I'm not going to hurt you."

He relaxes just the slightest bit.

"C'mon, I have a light in the tent." I grab his wrist and guide him over to the tent. After pulling the zipper, we climb in. I turn my portable lantarn on. As the light illuminates the boy's face I can't help but think, Man, this kid looks familiar.

The boy gasps.

"What? Is something wrong? Are you hurt? Is there a fucking bug in my hair, 'cause I swear to God-" The boy's laughter cuts me off. I smile at the sound, so beautiful.

"I know you." The boy says. "Sort of. I think, at least. " He blushes.

"What's your name?" I ask.

"Gavin." Aw... That's such a cute name.

"So, uh, I'm sorry but I don't really remember you. How do you know me?" I smile softly.

"Oh, uhm, I think you were the one who sold me all those Converse about a year ago. In fact, I'm sure of it. I could never forget a face so beautiful. I mean! Oh my God, I'm so sorry! Wait, no I'm not. I mean- I'm just going to stop talking now." He burries his head in his hands. I laugh st his shyness.

"It's okay, you don't have to be so shy. And, I'm sorry I didn't remember you, but I do now. You look at little older. And your hair is just a bit longer."

He looks up with a smile and a blush.

"Well, my name's Cadence, in case you forgot."

He nodded, muttering something under his breathe. Before I could ask what he said, he goes, "So, why are you living in a tent?" His curious eyes dart around the tent.

"About a year ago, I came out to my parents. . They got all pissed and sent me to live with my grandmother. Well, they tried to at least." Gavin nods, showing he's listening and wants me to continue. "I sold a lot of things with the help of a friend. I didn't know if anyone was hiring or even if they would hire me and I didn't want to waste my money on an apartment. So I just bought a tent and situated myself in a place I knew no one would be. Well," I look at Gavin. "where no one was supposed to be."

He blushes and mumbles, "Sorry."

"Eh, it's not your fault." He nods.

"So... Have you ever had a job?" He asks.

"Yeah, a couple. None of them lasted though. I was almost always late, they found out my living situation, and I ran out a couple times 'cause I saw my parents." Who knew running out on the job, trying to get away from your partents, could get you fired? Note the sarcasm.

"Oh, wait, Randy?" He asks suddenly.


"That guy who helped sell your stuff. His name was Randy, right?"

"Yeah... How did you know."

"He's sort of a friend of mine." Gavin shrugs.

"Really?" Honestly, I'm shocked. Not that I didn't think Gavin had no friends or anything, but by the fact that he's so quiet. Randy's the exact opposite. He's loud and over-the-top. Weird.

"Yeah. That would explain why his eyes bugged out when I told him where I was moving." He emits the cutest giggle I've ever heard. I look at my battery operated clock and notice it's nearly ten o' clock at night.

"Uh, it's getting late, maybe you should go home now." I say.

Gavin blushes, hurt and rejection swirling around in his eyes. "Oh, yeah, right, I should." He crawls out of the tent.

"Wait!" He peaks back into the tent. "Let me walk you. You need a light, anyways."

He blushes and nods.

I brab the lantern and crawl out of the tent. Grabbing his wrist I say, "This way," and start leading him to the path. I hear him cough a bit and look back at him. He's staring at my hand. I quickly let go of his wrist and look away. Soon enough we make it back to his place. I slow down a few feet away, noticing a car in the driveway.

"Well, bye then." I say.

"Uhm, bye." He starts walking away but I quickly grab his wrist and turn him around.

"Wait, will you come back? Say, tomorrow?"

He smiles, wide and bright, and nods. I smile softly. Leaning in, I brush my lips against his cheek, lightly kissing him there.

"Bye, Gavin." I start walking away.

"B-Bye, C-Cadence!" He stutters in the direction of my retreating figure.
♠ ♠ ♠
773 Words. I think. Chapter Title Credit: Navigate Me by Cute Is What We Aim For (HA! I'm wearing their shirt today!)
I'm SO sorry this is way late and, honestly, this chapter sucks cow nipples, I mean, really. ">.<

Well. I got my internet back today! :D And I promise my next chapter will be longer and WAY better. Here's a bigger version of Cadence!
