Status: Active

I've Been Walking These Streets For Days

They Say That Love Is Forever Your Forever Is All That I Need Please Stay As Long As You Need

Holy shit!

I don’t know where that sudden burst of confidence came from. I have never yelled at my mom before in my life. I still can’t believe that I yelled at her and I don't feel guilty about it. I don’t know what came over me. It’s just the thought of Cadence having to leave made me put up a fight I didn’t even know I had with in me.

Everything I said to my mom I felt was true. I do need Cadence. I can’t explain it but I know that I do. He’s just so different. It’s not like he was homeless because he was a drug addict or going nowhere with his life. He was unfairly kicked out because of who he is. Cadence hasn’t had any support for over a year. He needs it and damn it I’m going to be the one that makes sure he gets it!

I can’t believe my mom is really letting him stay. She’s not happy about it at all, but I think she gets that Cadence staying is good for me. I’ve never been this open with anyone in my life, not even with Randy. Usually around people I can’t even speak, but with Cadence I have this new found confidence I didn't think I had.

“So...Cadence used to live here?” Daniel asks trying ease the tension in the basement. I was washing Cadence’s clothes while he was in the shower. Daniel and my mom were coming up and down the stairs still unpacking. Mom hasn’t spoken one word to me since she agreed to let Cadence stay. I was slightly upset, but at least he’s staying!

“Yeah this used to be his parent’s summer house.” I replied. I was glad that Daniel was okay with this whole situation.

“What happened to his parents?” I shrugged.

“I don’t know they kicked him out about a year ago.”

“And why is that?” he asked me furrowing his eyebrows. I could tell he was concerned.

“Because he’s gay.” I stated before grabbing Cadence’s clothes out of the washer. “That’s a shame.” Daniel muttered as I walked to the dryer and put Cadence’s clothes in. I started the dryer and turned around and leaned on the dryer, letting the vibration run up my spine, it was slightly soothing. “I couldn’t imagine ever doing something like that to you.” Daniel said more to himself then me.

There were footsteps coming down the stairs and my mom came into view holding a couple of boxes. She had a frown on her face and I knew she was still giving me the silent treatment. My mother was a stubborn person, that’s definitely something I got from her. I could be really stubborn when I wanted to be.

“Hi Honey. Gavin was just telling me some stuff about Cadence. Did you know that he actually used to live here?” She just snorted in response.

“I’m going to go check on Cadence.” I mumbled trying to get away from the tension. Daniel held me back though.

“Don’t worry I’ll try working on your mom. She’ll see that Cadence is a nice kid eventually.” Daniel whispered to me before letting me go.

“Thank you.” He just smiled and winked at me before I walked up the stairs out of the basement. I walked towards my room and when I opened my bedroom door I could have died from embarrassment. Cadence was lying on my bed in nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist. He jumps up out of shock and covers his chest.

“Shit I’m sorry.” I said covering my eyes. He starts laughing and that calms me down. But it doesn’t stop me from blushing like mad.

“Dude its no problem. I’m the one that shouldn’t be lying around pretty much naked. But alas I have no clothes.” He says overly dramatic. I slap my forehead.

“Damn it I’m sorry, I’m washing all your clothes that’s why you have known right now.”

“Don’t be sorry you just cleaned my clothes, I don’t smell anymore!” He chuckled and it caused me to smile. His laughter was some what contagious.

"I'm sure there's something of mine that can slightly fit you."

"Well your jeans are out of the question. There is no way I can get into your pants." He laughed again. Is it sad that my mind totally twisted that into something perverted? I started to blush again and I guess he figured out why. "Oh gosh that sounded dirty." And for once he blushed and looked down at his towel. I took that opportunity to rummage through my dressers for something for him to wear. Finding a pair of basketball shorts I tossed them and an I See Stars band tee at him.

"I t-think the sh-shorts will still be b-baggy, but the s-shirt might be a bite t-tight."

"Oh that's fine." He held up the t-shirt and observed it. "You listen to I See Stars huh? Oh I can tell we're going to get along very well." Cadence laughed again. Gosh his laugh is just wow.

"Umm... yea I listen to about everything really."

"That's cool." He said before I saw him start to shiver. He must be cold considering he’s only wearing a towel.

"Oh damn I'm s-sorry you must be freezing considering you're only wearing a to-towel. I'll leave so you can change. You h-hungry? I'll go make sandwiches.” I started not letting him reply. “Meet me in the kitchen w-when you're d-done." I said slightly rushed and nervous as a fiddled with my shirt sleeve. Cadence chuckled.

"It really is adorable when you stuttered. Any food you decide to make is fine with me. I'll see you down stairs in a few."

"O-okay." I said before turning and rushing down the stairs. I knew I was going to prepare more food then necessary. But I couldn't help it Cadence was so thin! I had to feed him, cause it was painfully obvious he hasn't eaten a proper meal in more then a year.
♠ ♠ ♠
Chapter Title Credit: If I'm James Dean You're Audrey Hepburn - Sleeping With Sirens

Haza! That was fast sorry if its short

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