Status: Active

I've Been Walking These Streets For Days

Running Running Keep Holding My Hand

"AH WHAT THE FUCK!" Someone yelled startling me to the point where I fell out of my bed and onto the wooden floor. I groaned and looked up at my mom who was looking down at me and up at my bed. Her arms were crossed and there was a frown clearly across her face. She was not a happy camper.

"Gavin what the hell is going on?" I was confused I didn't see what she was so mad about.

"Um... I was sleeping?" I answered more as a question then a legit answer. I got up off the floor and sat back down on the edge of my bed. I leaned back more and landed on Cadence. I looked up at him and smiled. He had a nervous look on his face.

"Why is Cadence sleeping in your bed?" Oh that’s why she’s mad.

"Oh my god! Mom we weren't doing anything. Just because we're both gay doesn't mean we're going to instantly start screwing each other like rabbits. We're just friends. I wasn't going to make him sleep on the floor. Why are you being so mean to him?"

She sighed "Gavin I'm not trying to be mean to him. It’s just that there is a complete stranger moving into our house. It’s unnerving to me okay? Plus your my baby, I always have to protect you."

"Mom I'm almost eighteen, I'm not a child anymore. And you don't have to protect me from anything Cadence wouldn't hurt me mom. He cares about me. Maybe if you actually got to know Cadence you would realize that." She ran her hands through her long brown hair and turned to Cadence.

"Look Cadence I'm sorry, it’s just that Gavin is my only child, and I love him to pieces, he's been hurt in the past too many times. I don't want to see him hurt again."

Cadence wrapped his arm around me. "I would never hurt Gavin. I promise."

"I know. I just have to get used to the idea of you living here with us. I'll try my hardest. I know you’re not a bad kid."

"Thanks mom." I said happy she was at least trying to get along with Cadence.

"No problem sweetie. So anyway, it’s almost two in the afternoon and it’s a nice day out. How about we all go out and enjoy it. Plus we need to get paint for your room Gavy. And since Cadence is now living with us, we should by stuff for his room too."

Cadence looked shocked "Y-you don't have to buy anything for me Mrs. Lawson." My mom waved it off.

"Oh don't be silly, you're living with us now your part of the family. And you can call me Stephanie. So no exceptions. You two get ready and then we'll all head out."

"Okay mom." I said as she exited. I lied back down my head landing in Cadence’s lap. “I’m so glad she’s being nice to you. I’d have to be mean to her and I don’t like being mean to my mommy.” I said sticking my bottom lip out. Cadence chuckled and started running his hands through my hair. It was actually soothing and I didn’t want him to stop.

“She really doesn’t have to do all of this stuff for me though. It’s really too much.”

“Oh shut up and take it. You live here now so you’re getting new stuff. We’re not letting you sleep on the floor.”

“Well I’ll get a job, there is no way I am staying here for free, I’ll feel like a moocher.” I started to protest but he cut me off. “And don’t tell me not too cause my minds already made up. I’ll start helping around here. It’s the least I can do for you and your family taking me in like this so suddenly.”

“Alright fine.” I said pouting; he just looked down at me and smiled. “But if you get a job what’s going to happen if your parents see you?” I asked him and his smile instantly faded. Damn me and my way of ruining happy moods.

“I didn’t think about that. Maybe I shouldn’t…”

“NO! I mean no don’t let that get in the way of you getting a job. I was just wondering.” He ruffled my hair and laughed. I was glad the smile was back on his face.

“Your right. Fuck my parents. If I see them then I see them, it doesn’t matter they were shitty parents anyway. Gavin your lucky your parents are nice and accepting.”

“Yes, I know. And they accept you too so you should be happy too.”

“Oh believe me I am, you guys have done so much for me in this short time I’ve known you.”

“My mom is probably going to drag us downstairs in a few if we don’t get ready. You can use this shower; I’ll use the one downstairs.”

“Alrighty.” He said saluting me. I rolled my eyes and started to grab some clothes. “Um…where are my clothes again?”

“I put them in the big cabinet top drawer.”

“Thanks Gav.” I blushed at my new nickname.

“You’re welcome. Now hurry up cause I want to get paint for my room.”

“What color?”

I started blushing again the color was going to be embarrassing to say. “Pink” I mumbled.

“Awe you’re such a flamer!” He cooed causing me to blush again.

“Shut up its one of my favorite colors and the walls will be pink but I’m adding black paint splats!”

“Well now it sounds cute. Anyway go take your shower mister.”

“Okay.” I said grabbing my clothes and walking out of the room.


“Alright guys look around for the paint you want while I go look for shower curtains. Call me on my cell when you find something.”

“Okay mom.” I said as she walked off. We were in a huge store, I forgot what it was called but this place was gigantic! And it had almost everything. This place had a whole floor dedicated to bedroom furniture. Cadence already found the bed set he wanted. Now we just had to find paint for our rooms.

“So what color did you want again?” I asked.

“Lime green.”

“That’s cool.” I looked around the floor we were on and look around for paints. I turned to Cadence he was looking at something in the opposite direction of the where the paints were. “Hey Cadence I found the pai-“ Before I could even finish my sentence Cadence grabbed my hand and started running. It was hard to catch up to him cause he was running so fast and my legs were way shorter then his. I wasn’t even able to ask him what was going. I was worried he looked scared. We continued to run past people and I tried my hardest not to crash into anyone. Cadence busted through a men’s bathroom and dragged me into the biggest stall.

He slide to the floor and I did the same as I tried to catch my breath. I looked over at him and I realized he was crying. I moved over and hugged him. His head rested on my chest and I rubbed his back and waited for him to calm down.

“C-Cadence w-what’s wrong.”

“They’re in the store right now.” At first I didn’t know what he was talking about.

“Who Hun?”

“My parents.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Anime Boston and school shit has kept me wicked busy sorry for the delay.

Title Credit: Running- No Doubt