Chances Are

Chapter Eighteen

It would be a lie for anyone to say that they'd never pictured their best friend naked. Whether they have the same dirty parts as you or not, you know you've done it.

The temptation to take that mental image just a little further becomes almost irresistible when the best friend in question is the real life version of everything you've been fantasizing about since you learned how to pop your clutch, so to speak.
So you can only imagine the thoughts that Jared Runner was desperately trying to push out of his mind as Victoria Secret's Natasha Ross stood in front of him, topless, gesticulating wildly, and bouncing on her toes when she laughed.

''Great story Tash, but listen, I've got to uh, go to the bathroom,'' Jared said, making any excuse to get away from the temptation that accompanied her gorgeous body.

''Don't smudge your paint in there. Paul over there will have your balls if he has to do it again,'' she called after him.

Jared got halfway to the bathroom before a studio hand jumped in front of him. ''You have to be on set right now Mr. Runner,'' she said.

''But I was just-''

''Trust me, with this guy, you don't get any buts.'' The studio girl guided Jared to the set, where most of the other celebrities were being coaxed out of their shorts by studio hands.

The models were more than happy to relinquish their clothes, it was the singers and actors who were having trouble getting all out.

''No, it's ok, we're not actually taking pictures yet. I'll take them off then,'' Jared told the studio girl when she started asking for him to get naked.

''Mr. Runner, I need you to take them off now. I understand that you might not be comfortable, but if everyone isn't ready to go when Mr. Privett arrives, he's going to throw a shit fit.''

''Don't worry about it, I'm sure he wont mind as long as we get ready once he's ready to actually take the pictures.'' The studio girl rolled her eyes and Jared thought he was off the hook, until-

''Jared Anthony Runner. Give me your goddamn shorts.'' Emerging from behind the fed up studio girl, a naked Natasha held out her hand.

Jared's eyes shot wide open and he quickly de-shorted himself. ''Thank you.'' Tasha handed the shorts to the studio girl and she hurried away.
''Anyone else need some coaxing?'' the model asked the group. The finicky celebs quickly shook their heads and gave up their clothes.

She looked Jared's now naked body up and down. She cocked an eyebrow. ''I don’t know what you were so worried about Runner, that's quite the stick.''
Her tone was one that Jared hadn't heard since they'd first met, one that reeked of confidence and teased with more than a hint of seduction.
He was suddenly a stunned teenage boy. He couldn't manage a reply if he wanted to.

Luckily for him, he didn't have to reply.
Not seconds after Tasha's compliment, Lance Privett waltzed into the room.

''Where's my gold?'' he yelled. ''Someone get my camera, and make sure the lens is clean this time!''
Jared suddenly understood what the studio girl meant when she said that with this guy, there were no buts.

''Somebody arrange these sheep! God! Am I working with amateurs?'' Lance hollered and the studio hands scampered around like cockroaches after a cupboard is opened. ''THANK you.''

Privett put his camera to his face and looked at the group. ''You, and you, yes you, switch. Much better. Now don't say cheese.''

He took about a million pictures of the group, posed every which way, wrapped in a super long piece of metallic gold fabric.
Lance was forever complaining that something felt off about the photos, so he eventually just told them all to take a break.
No one dared to put their clothes on. Though these people were all used to having things their way, there was something about this photographer that made them all well aware that this was his show.

''Is it cold in here?'' Jared asked Tasha nervously.

''It certainly doesn't look like it,'' she laughed.

''Yea, I saw you looking this whole time,'' he retorted.

''And to think, I was going to let you off the hook for watching the girls so avidly for the past two minutes that I've been standing here,'' she said playfully.

''I'm only huma-'' Jared was interrupted when Lance yelled from across the studio.


''What?'' Jared asked.

''Everyone back to the set! Now! Now! Now! Camera!''

Everyone hustled to the set, not wanting to upset this short fused photographer. Once they'd all gotten back into their positions, Privett started to shuffle people around. Then he pointed at Jared and Tasha.

''And you two right here, in the centre. Closer…closer…closer…EMBRACE GODDAMNIT!'' Jared jumped toward Tasha in a rather startled movement.

He didn't know exactly where to put his hands, feeling like a teenage boy confronted with his first full frontal make out session. He had just come to terms with Tasha being naked and near him, he wasn't ready to have her naked and against him.

''Show me the chemistry!'' the photographer demanded.

''Uhh.'' jared was still struggling to find a place to put his hands, not really knowing what Privett meant by chemistry.
Tasha laughed and took Jared's hands. She pushed her body against his, moving one of his arms to hold her waist and draping on of hers around his neck.

The time an action takes is all relative to what that action is. Playing your favourite video game with your favourite person could turn hours into minutes, but sitting in the front of a lecture on the questionable economic stability of the Czech Republic would make those minutes turn into hours.

For Jared Runner, the few hours he spent at a photo shoot for a magazine doing a feature on the up and coming young stars of Hollywood, being pressed against and wrapped around a beautiful Victoria's Secret model, flew by.
Jared though, like any grown man of the heterosexual orientation, was in absolutely no rush to end the shoot.

''I have what I need,'' said Lance Privett before he handed his camera to a studio hand and headed for the door. ''I expect the proofs to be ready tomorrow.''

After Privett had left the studio, all the young celebrities were still standing on the set, most of them wondering if he was serious.

''I guess that's a wrap,'' Tasha said after a few moments of silence in the studio. Everyone left the set and quickly went searching for clothes.

Jared left the studio after having most of the body paint washed off, though he still glowed slightly gold on the ride home.

He had been hesitant when the idea of this naked photo shoot but coming out of it he was rather satisfied.
He had managed to step out of his comfort zone and be naked in front of a camera and about fifty other people, and for that he was proud of himself.
But more so, he was excited for just how jealous his band mates would be when they saw the pictures.
♠ ♠ ♠
I really wasn't sure how to make that one end haha.

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