The 3 Kick Ass Little Pigs

Kick ass pigs, wanna move out

There once were 3 kick ass lil pigs named Bob, Henry, and Timmy. Mum insisted that the 3 of them should get the fuck our of her house. But Timmy who was the smallest (and basically the most retarded) , didn't want to move out becuase that lil bastard was scarec of the Mo Fuckin wolf. So Bob and henry gathered their things from Mum's house and to the lumber store to see if any builders were there. It turned out that there was just enough builders for both of the frickin pigs. So the 2 pigs paid the buliders 30 bucks an hour to bulid their house. The 2 pigs' houses' were made of thick solid brick. When the buliders were done, they went inside to make the dump a lil more homey, But both of the pigs forgot about the big ass wolf,. So when that Mo Fucker charged up the hill he tried banging on the dorr of their house, BUT THE FUCKING DOOR WAS OPEN!!!!! So the 2 pigs ended up becoming bacon (canadian bacon to be exact ;) ) And that lil Mo Fucker Timmy who stayed at home with Mum, ended up being the smartest one of all those frickin pigs!

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wow, Mum, you're a bitch, way ta go Timmy, you're kick ass.