I found her in the woods


I looked at my watch, as I walked up the stairs. 11:53. Crap. I reached in my bag and searched for my keys, and could hear the television over the jangle. He's still up. Crap. Maybe hell understand. Maybe he wont care. Maybe hes sleeping. Maybe hes drunk and passed out. Maybe there is a zebra in my room. The door creaked loudly as it shut, and I headed towards the stair as quickly and soundlessly as possible.

"Bri" I heard the slurred words of my father when I reached the bottom of the stairs. "your late" he said walking from the kitchen to the hallway, with a bottle in his hand.

"I know " I said, trying to explain myself "Erika's mom's car broke down and I called but-"

"I don't want excuses" He yelled, interrupting me and through the bottle that hit my shoulder and shattered to the ground. "Come here" he said, grabbed me so his nails where digging into my arm and pulled my so close his beer drenched breath was almost unbearable.

"You know the punishment for being late." he half whispered half laughed in my ear. There was a loud snapping sound followed by a pain in my cheek and ear. Then I fell to the floor, and there was pain in my stomach and sides. I opened my eyes to see him through tears, he was kneeling over me, and was just inches away from my face. Then his hands crawled down my body until they got to the button on my jeans. "No" I gasped through tears that where now flooding my face. He unbuttoned my jeans "Pleas no." I pleaded.

He was never one not to be merciless. "Here," he said, smiling "You can be on top" and he flung me on top of him. I got up and ran to the back door as fast as I could, before his slowed mind had a chance to grab me. I looked back when I was halfway through the yard to see him staggering to stand up.

I ran through the never-ending woods in the back yard for what seemed like hours until I tripped over what I thought was a tree root and just laid there, with my legs pulled up to me, crying.

"It's okay" I heard a deep voice say "It's okay" it said again, and I felt a strong arm sit me up against a warm body. "It's over, It's okay" He kept saying. It sounded like I wasn't the only one he was trying to convince.

I looked up to see his face, but all I saw was a blurred outline in the trees. "No" I said "No, it's not."

"Yes it is" and he wrapped his arms around me, and I couldn't help but curl up against his warm body.

And I sat there and cried into a strangers chest for what seemed like forever.
♠ ♠ ♠
I was going to end the chapter at ""you can be on top"" but couldn't bring myself to do it. Go ahead call me a woos.
I wanted to make it longer to but I don't have time. I might add to it later. Probably not. Well, maybe. If I feel like it. Whatever.
Hope ya like it. No you better like it 'cause the first time I typed it it logged me of so this is the second time and if you don't like it I'll be pissed.
So like it.