Status: starting..

Kiss me in the Darkest of Nights

a sweet soothing voice

"Alice, I’ve wanted to see you.” he said with a grin in his face, a grin that just made you want to hit him. I had tears in the corner of my eyes and I knew they would eventually roll down, but I tried hard to hold them back. Why do I always have to cry, I’m getting sick of it; I have to be strong.

“Don’t you remember? This scar… you gave it to me back then.” He said lifting a train of her from his left eyes, showing a scar that crossed his eyebrow. “Do you know that it still hurts, even know?” he continued and grabbed my arm with such a force I couldn’t resist him as he pulled me closer to his body. Who is this guy?

I wanted to yell NO, but nothing came out. I don’t know what happened but I couldn’t speak, I was terrified of what could happen. And the only question going through my mind was why did I come here in the first place? I could have waited outside for him right? But no, I had to come here, even though he had warned me not to do it.

*I was lying on a dirty floor. My hair was longer and it was all messy; I was crying with my eyes tightly closed. “NO, please stop.” I yelled over and over again but no one seemed to neither listen nor care.*

“NO” I finally was able to yell fighting against his grip, when suddenly, the lights went off. He angrily let go of my arm and I fell hard against the cold floor. I curled up in a ball, hugging my legs against my chest, as I tried to close my eyes but that terrifying image of me lying on the floor and yelling came back to my mind so clearly that it seem more real than life itself.

“Who’s there? Get lost!” He yelled to no one in particularly. “Hey, turn on the lights already, hurry up” somebody else from the other side of the shop yelled.
“Alice, don’t talk.” I heard his sweet soothing voice behind me as he softly ran his hand through my hair and lifted me up like if I weighted absolutely nothing. Quietly he walked out of the shop holding me tightly in his arms, like he never wanted to let go.
“Alice, don’t you remember… this scar… don’t tell me you forgot.” His words kept repeating in my head over and over again. Had I really done that to him?
♠ ♠ ♠
PS. the paragraphs that is between *...* are the memories she is recalling from that summer three years ago.