


Ashlee Gallagher sat on the front porch swing doing homework while listening to her iPod and waiting for her father to return home from work. She always waited around four in the afternoon and stayed there until six when his car would pull up the drive and into their large garage. She never waited for her mother, because Jeanie Gallagher always arrived home at a later hour. Her cell phone started to buzz and the caller was her father, Darren Gallagher.

"Hey dad."

"Hey Ashlee, I'm going to be home around the same time as your mother. I told her and she said there's some leftovers in the fridge that you can heat up for dinner. I love you honey.”

"Oh, okay. Well, see you later on then. Love you too dad." She said and hung up. "Let's go get us some food, Bachi." her black kitten mewed and followed the young girl inside.


Christian Burdett put his camera down as soon as the Gallagher Girl walked back inside her house, and uploaded the thirty or so pictures he had taken and added them to the file of other pictures he had taken of her over the last three months.

He sat down at his computer and went through all the close ups he had taken of her and admired her big light brown eyes and pink lips which he wanted so badly. He felt like a teenage boy again in highschool, admiring from afar but never having the balls to talk to the girl.

It should've been easy for him, Ashlee Gallagher was a hot little fifteen year old and he, Christian Burdett, was a twenty-nine year old photographer. How bad could it be? He could intimidate her, he could...No, he couldn't do that to her. She was young and sweet, he wanted her to want him. He wanted her consent.

But as for right now, all he had were the pictures and he would just have to make due. So, his usual routine took place as he clicked on the pictures he had copied off of Ashlee's MySpace page in her bikini over the summer and began unzipping his jeans.


"I want him so fucking bad!" Lorrie DeFranco complained to her friend Eve. The two friends were sitting on Lorrie's upstairs balcony sipping maragrita's and watching the sunset. At least, that's what Eve was doing. Lorrie, on the other hand, had her hands glued to her binoculars while watching Christian through the windows of his home.

"Why don't you just go over there and do nasty things to him instead of watching him rub one out?" Eve questioned as she propped her feet up on the railing.

"I don't know! I normally don't have this problem. I'm a slut! I never get cold feet!" Lorrie sighed and put down the binoculars.

"He's done already? That was quick." Eve laughed.

"I just love his face when he finishes." Lorrie laid back down on her outdoor couch and lit a cigarette.

"God you’re so perverted. Not to mention a creeper." Eve laughed once more.

"One of these days I'll fuck him. You just watch."

"I'd rather not."


Matthew Westray parked his car in the driveway and got out, just in time to hear the loud girly laughter coming from Lorrie DeFranco's house. He saw Eve and waved to her and she waved back and smiled, revealing perfect sparkly white teeth.

Eve was the girl of his dreams, petite, blonde, blue eyed, perfect body, and perfect smile. On top of that, she was one mean cook. Matthew had never had the courage to ask her out, and the two only hungout every Saturday night to watch a scary movie. He loved how Eve would laugh at the goriest parts while he was cringing inside.

He locked his car and walked on over to his best friend Christian's house and banged his fist heavily on the door. He knew it scared the holy hell out of Christian when he did that. A minute or two went by before Christian appeared at the door, sweating and wearing a wife beater.

"Sup man? Why are you so worn out?" Matt asked.

"Oh, uh...working out. I'm out of shape. Come on in, you want a beer?" Christian opened the door wider to let his best friend in and started making his way towards the kitchen.

“Sure.” Matt said as he sat down on the couch and flipped on the TV.

“So uh…how was your day?” Christian asked as he handed Matt a beer and sat down next to him.

“Good man. When I got home I spotted Lorrie watching you with her binoculars again. And Eve was just sitting there, gorgeous as ever.” His eyes seemed to stare into space as he imagined Eve’s bright smile.

“Just ask her out man, or make a move. Your thirty years old, it’s time to grow a pair.” Christian laughed at his own joke.

“Funny.” Matt replied.


“It’s getting dark, I need to go home and feed Mushu. I'll see you tomorrow.” Eve said and gave Lorrie a hug.

“I think I’ll pay Christian a visit later on tonight.” Lorrie smiled at her friend.

Eve rolled her eyes, “About damn time!” She laughed and made her way down Lorrie’s driveway and opened the gate as she walked to her house next door.

Once she was inside her own house, she kicked off her heels walked upstairs to her bedroom and into her closet where her large shoe rack was. Eve set the expensive silver high heels in their specific place and walked into her bathroom to start her shower. While she was removing her makeup she couldn’t help but think about Matt and how she had started to feel more than friendship with him since the New Year had started. He had become so much more mature since his ex-girlfriend dumped him last summer. She saw how he dated around, but she never saw any girls go home with him. Maybe it was wrong of Eve to keep tabs on the dates he had and how scantily clad they were. Stupid bimbos, She thought, Not even twenty-one years old and they’re parading around in miniskirts letting their ass cheeks hang out. She also wondered when he was going to notice her, Classy Eve, who taught a ballet class and watched old movies and wore real jewelry and…Hell, he’d never notice her. She would be stuck in the friend zone with Matt forever. It was time she started dating around herself. She was twenty-nine and ready to start a family. She wanted a good man by her side, to have someone to sleep with but not have sex, just to wake up next to someone in the morning knowing that that person belonged to her and she belonged to him.

Who was she kidding?
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