Status: Completed! Check out Part Two!

Lima Loser.


“You did it!” Rachel high-fived me once we were back to the music room. Everybody was crowded around me, trying to be welcoming to the newest member of the Glee club, but to be honest, I felt a little more than claustrophobic.

“Thanks, Rachel,” I grinned. “If you weren’t my friend, I would have taken one look at the music room and walked away.”

“I know,” she shrugged. “But we’re all glad you decided to join.”

“Aw,” I couldn’t help but smile my ass off, knowing I was accepted, but then I noticed Quinn sitting in the corner of the room, furthest from everyone else. Her arms were folded, and she looked really pissed off. I had the urge to tell Rachel that not everyone wanted me there, but I wasn’t about to blurt that out in front of my Glee mates.

They all began to calm down, though, when a tall woman with short, blonde hair walked into the room. She was dressed in sweats and had a whistle hanging from her neck. She looked like a real bitch.

“Afternoon, William,” she spoke to Mr. Schue. “I’m sorry, but I can hear your little social misfits at the other end of the school. They’re being too joyful for me to bear. It’s like they’ve all gotten really good drug dealers or somethin’.”

Mr. Schuester managed to ignore her bitterness and told her what was going on. “What you heard was the sound of a new member being added to the Glee club.”

“Oh, joy,” the woman rolled her eyes. “More squawking coming from this bloody music room at lunchtimes. Y’know, William, all I really want in this school is to eat my lunch in peace.”

“Sue, the staff is allowed to go home for lunch,” Mr. Schuester informed her.

“Yeah, but you know what, William? It doesn’t matter where I go to eat my lunch. The sickening sound of the happiness in these kids’ voices sticks in my head. All. Day. Long. It keeps me up at night, William.”

Mr. Schue started to get upset. “Sue, can you please stop insulting the Glee club now? I’m sure you’re making our new member uncomfortable.”

“Oh, yeah?” she walked over to me, and I thought about running, but instead, I kept my cool. This “Sue” woman got close to my face and the devious grin she’d had on her face had made me want to cry. “And what’s your name?”

“Courtney,” I said, quietly.

“Okay, Courtney. First of all, your parents must have been on some kind of hallucinogens when they named you, and second, are you uncomfortable, like William says you are?” Sue asked me.

I wanted to say no so bad, to show her who was boss, but I didn’t really want to know what she’d do to me. Even Mr. Schuester looked intimidated when she walked into the room.

“Yeah, a little,” I under exaggerated. Of course I was uncomfortable when I could see this woman’s tonsils when she talked. She was that close to me.

“Good,” Sue snapped, and backed off a little. “Get used to this feeling, my little newbie, because you’ll be feeling like this every day for the next 364 days.”

“Does that include weekends?” I smirked, trying to show her that I wasn’t scared, even though I was scared shitless.

“Not only weekends, Blondie, but every single day until you graduate,” Sue poked me.

“I’m prepared,” I smiled. “Oh, and the only reason I was uncomfortable is because I have this tampon sticking up my vagina, and it’s not exactly the nicest feeling.”

“I know what that feels like, honey…oh, wait. I don’t,” she frowned. She turned around, getting ready to leave the music room. “Oh, and by the way, I saw what’s-his-face chuck the slushie at you yesterday, and you know what it reminded me of? A FAT. PURPLE. COW.”

I looked over at Puck as he put his head down. He looked like he regretted it.

Once she’d left the room, everyone in the music room clapped. I just looked around, and Mr. Schue came up to me.

“Wow. Out of my time teaching in this school, I have never seen a student get saucy with Sue Sylvester like that,” his eyes widened.

“It’s t-t-true,” Tina spoke up. “Y-y-you’re one of a kind, C-Courtney.”

“Yeah, really,” Finn smiled. “That was pretty badass.”

“Exactly,” Mr. Schuester agreed. “But promise me you’ll watch out for her. That woman has power.”

“Okay,” I rolled my eyes. “Who is she, anyway? By the looks of it, she owns a few cats.”

“Yeah,” Kurt laughed. “I heard her house is crawling with them.”

“Well, Courtney, to answer your question,” Mr. Schue began. “There’s not a whole lot of ways to describe Sue Sylvester, besides a crazy woman who feeds off of the misfortune of young teenagers. She’s the Cheerio’s coach, and she’s…not nice.”

“I’ll keep that in mind,” I shrugged, even though I wouldn’t. I was frightened to death when Sue walked in, but as soon as she walked out, I realized that there was nothing to be afraid of. I had dealt with bitchy teachers before, and this would be a breeze.
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Told you I'd write something kind of bad.
It's just the mood I'm in. :\
Comments would be niceeee.