Without you, I would die...

This is so confusing

Syn's P.O.V

Well that's just great isn't it. She just passed out, cold.

I squatted, picking her up in my arms and rested her head into my chest.

Oh god, she looked so sweet. Her long almost black hair was so silky and straight. Her face slightly tanned. Her large orb eyes were covered by her thin delicate eyelids. Beneath the light silver eyeshadow, you could see the veins and capilaries (sp?) in her skin. Her long, plentiful curly eyelashes decorated her eyes.

Her small, seemingly fragile body was so light in my strong arms, and i was disappointed i had to lie her down in her bed.

I should probably stay with her until she wakes, who know's how long she'll be knocked out for.

I started thinking about what she was saying. We have a child, but she has cancer.

Does that mean that the child could have problems? Maybe disabilities. Maybe the chemo will help. So many questions, but I can't ask her, I don't want her to start crying again.

Everytime she cries, my heart breaks.

I'm going to have to tell Jimmy soon.


Behind me, she started to stir slightly.

I bent over and kissed her forehead, snuggling her face into my chest, and tracing my fingers over the soft swollen skin of her puffy red eyes.

I was thinking of a way to ask her the questions I wanted answered, but without upsetting her. My thinking was interrupted by a soft fragile voice that cracked.

"I'm so sorry babe. That's why I'm not getting chemo."

Without realising how harsh I said it, I blurted out, "WHAT?"

She started to sob and I again had to calm her down before anything happened.

"Shhh shhh, babe, shhhhh..." My hands stroked her silky hair, and her tears started to spill into my shirt.

"I-I'm n-not get-ting ch-chemo coz-z it w-would hurt-t the bab-by more."

Knowing I'd heard right, I didn't want to upset her.

But what am I supposed to do? I want to support her, this kid is her DREAM. And mine. But....

It's all W-R-O-N-G.... In order to get my kid I have to lose my soulmate?

"You go to sleep now, you're exhausted. Don't think too much, you'll hurt yourself babe. I'll go make a snack, so if you feel peckish then you've got something to eat. Ok? Now rest your head.."

I started fussing over her, tucking her in, wiping away her tears.

"I love you." I whispered in her ear before kissing her on the nose.

"I love you t-too." She croaked.

I sighed while I walked down the hallway into the kitchen.

This is all too wrong... I can't lose her. Not now, not ever...

I picked up the phone and started dialling Jimmy's number.

He'll help me, afterall, he's her only and favorite brother...