Events of a Lifetime

Chapter 15

(Ally POV)

As we made out way outside I start to feel nervous. I know I shouldn't since these aren't even my fans. But I am nervous all the same. The only thought that is in my head is that I hope nothing goes wrong and that no one gets hurt.

"Hey Ally. What are you thinking about? And don't tell me nothing. I know you are think about something because I've know you longer than anyone else," Lexi asks.

"Just thinking of what's going to happen. Me and Andy really hit it off," I answer.

"Hey, lets just try and keep upbeat. I mean come on. How often do we get to hang out with Fall Out Boy?" Lexi asks.

"Your right. Lets have fun and see what comes of it. This could turn out to be the begining of events of a lifetime," I reply hoping she doesn't catch on.

"Okay good. Ooh...looky at all of those girls. I wonder if any of them will know its the guys," Lexi states as Pete walks over to us.

"What are you two talking about?" he asks giving me a please tell me you didn't tell her look.

"Nothing really. Lexi was just checking on me. Making sure everything is okay," I answer.

"Oh okay," he answers talking Lexi's hand and lacing their fingers.