Events of a Lifetime

Here Come the Waterworks

(Patrick POV)

If I know Pete he’s planning on doing something to get back at that Tori girl for Lexi and Ally. I’m glad that he likes them and wants to stick up for them. But should he really get caught up in their personal drama? All of this happened before we knew them. Leave it to Pete to get involved.

“When do you think Pete is going to ask Lexi about the tour?” Ally asks breaking the silence.

“He said he was going to talk to her tonight after the show,” Joe replies.

“Wait, Pete’s asking Lexi to join us on tour? What else did I miss?” I ask.

“You didn’t miss anything else Patrick. And yes, Pete is asking Lexi to join us. You don’t mind do you Patrick?” Joe asks.

“No, I don’t mind. I’m just shocked that he is going to ask her. I wasn’t expecting that. Especially after only knowing her for less that a day,” I answer that add, “Don’t get me wrong, I really like Lexi. I think she’s great and I want to get to know her 10x better.”

“Good, because I don’t think Pete would like his best friend not liking Lexi. Actually, I’m sure he would hate that.” Joe says.

“Yeah, he probably would,” I say then quickly lift my mask.

“There you go Mr. Stump. Have a nice day,” the security guard blocking the way to backstage says as he lets us all through.

“Thank you,” I say to the man then continue on with my conversation, “Do you think she’ll say yes Ally?

“Probably, she’s loved you guys forever. I have liked you guys forever as well, but she’s like that fanatical fan who has to go to every event you guys do around here. Pete probably doesn’t remember but at the Clandestine signing here. Lexi and I were third and fourth to get autographs,” Ally replies.

“Really? That’s so cool. Maybe he remembers you. You’ll have to ask him when you see him. He has a crazy photographic memory,” I say.

“Okay, I’ll ask him later,” she says.

“Hey Patrick, Joe, Andy, and who is this pretty girl?” Travis says as we walk into the Gym Class Heroes’ dressing room.

“Travis, this is Ally. And sorry she’s taken. I got to her first.” Andy says putting his arm around Ally.

“Oh well, didn’t she have a friend with her?” Travis asks as the other members of his band sit on the couch like we aren’t even there.

“Yeah, but she’s hanging out with Pete. And if all things go well tonight she will be joining us on tour.” I answer.

“You guys just couldn’t let anyone else have a chance. Could you?” Travis asks.

“What fun would that be?” Andy asks with a huge smile on his face.

“The fun would be to let your other friends have a chance at getting the girl,” Travis answers smiling.

“Ally! My bestest friend ever! We never spend this much time apart.” Lexi yells running into the room and knocking Ally down.

They both erupt into laughter while the rest of us look on confused.

“Lexi come back!” Pete says we he comes running into the room, “Hey Travis how are you?”

“I’m good. Now do you care to explain what is gong on here? And why some girl ran in here and tackled the other girl.” Travis replies.

“The girl that ran in here is Lexi, the contest winner. And Ally, the girl that you have already met, I hope, is her best friend.” Pete answers then turns to Lexi, “Lexi, this is Travis from the Gym Class Heroes.”

“Oh, I’m sorry. We usually don’t spend this much time apart on the weekends. Oh and as Pete said, I’m Lexi.” Lexi says shaking Travis’s hand.

“Hello Lexi, so I hear that you and Pete are getting to know each other quite well.” Travis says grinning widely as Lexi turns bright red.

“Travis! Don’t embarrass her,” Pete says, ‘Come here Lexi, it’s okay,” Pulling Lexi into a hug giving Travis and evil glare.