Events of a Lifetime

Chapter 19

As I bury my face into Pete's chest I start to sob. It of course makes the entire room go silent. I feel Ally behind me. Pete tries to back away so that I can be with Ally. But I shake my head no and nuzzle my face further into his chest. Shit, I hope my eyeliner isn't running. I feel Ally move from behind me and a new body take her place.

"Lexi, I'm really sorry if I hurt your feelings, I really didn't mean to," I hear Travis say.

I turn towards him and say, "I forgive you, and to be quite honest I'm not completely sure why I'm crying." I then pull Travis into a hug.

"Well, I'm glad that you aren't crying because of that rude ass comment I made." Travis says pulling out of our hug.

"Pete will you come with me to the bathroom?" I ask embarrassed as tears still come running down my cheeks.

"Of course I will. Come on its right this way," Pete answers taking my hand.

We walk for a few minutes in silence when I say, "Thanks for coming with me Pete. I was starting to feel self conscience in there with everyone looking at me."

"No problem. I'm really sorry that Travis did that. He usually isn't such a jerk. I don't know what got into him. Here's the bathroom," he says.

"I actually didn't have to go to the bathroom. I'm sorry I lied to you," I say, "I actually just wanted to spend some time alone with you. That way we can get to know each other better."

"I had a feeling you didn't have to go to the restroom. I actually like that idea about us getting to know us better. Do you want to hang out in the Fall Out Boy dressing room? I can play some songs on my bass since I need to warm up," he replies.

"I would like that a lot." I say as he grabs my hand leading me to the Fall Out Boy dressing room, "Do you think that I should call Ally and let her know where we are. That way she doesn't worry."

"Yeah. We don't want her freaking out. But make sure you tell her not to tell anyone else. We don't want Travis to have any other reasons to hassle us," he says as we head into the Fall Out Boy dressing room.

"Okay, hang on one sec," I say as I dial Ally's phone number, "Hey hon, Pete and me are in the Fall Out Boy dressing room. I thought I would tell you so that you wouldn't freak out. And make sure not to tell anyone else."

"Okay, I won't. I hope you feel better hon," Ally says.

"I do, love you, bye," I say hitting the end button.